For anyone looking for a better way to get leaner and more fit…

The simple solution to losing your next 10 pounds while feeling your best without spending hours in the gym or feeling restricted

Using a psychology-backed approach that allows you to focus on small, achievable goals to improve your metabolism and sustain your results so you never have to worry about gaining the weight back again.
What is the NEXT 10 Challenge?
The Next 10 Challenge is a psychology-based approach to achieving the body of your dreams.

We give you small action steps that are easy to follow so you make noticeable progress without having to stress or obsess over food.

This is done through metabolic priming which sends the signal to your body to let go of unwanted body fat, maintain or build muscle, and creates results that last a lifetime.

You’ll get a personalized nutrition plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle so that you can eat the foods that you enjoy while making consistent progress, which means you don’t have to waste mental energy over food choices.

You'll know exactly how to make progress through any life events or curveballs that get thrown your way so that you can maintain your results and feel confident through any season of life.

You’ll get easy to follow workouts that can be done from anywhere and in a short timeframe so that you can get leaner or build muscle without spending hours in the gym, which means you’ll have more time to spend with the people you love.

Delivered Through Our App

You’ll have full accountability and support from a team of coaches who will tell you the simple action steps that will yield the greatest results, which means you’ll feel totally confident and comfortable in your own skin.

You’ll be a part of community of like-minded people who are all pursuing their goals during a time where most people fall off and you’ll be contributing to a worthy cause through process, which means you’ll be a part of something incredibly special and impactful.

The Next 10 Challenge is a Shortcut
Before I came up with the process that we use in our coaching programs that has produced thousands of transformations, I tried all of the traditional methods of trying to lose weight and keep it off.

I cut out carbs, did hours of cardio each day, tried fasting, calorie counting, and anything I could think of that would produce quick results.

Each dieting attempt would result in some weight loss, followed by a total rebound and gaining all the weight back while feeling like a total failure.

Instead of giving up, I decided to find a better way.

After a decade of failing dieting and constantly starting over, I learned how to send the proper signals to my metabolism which allowed me to build muscle, lose fat, and achieve the body composition that I was previously working so hard to attain…

…While at the same time I could ditch the hours of cardio, stop bouncing from diet to diet, and finally had mental freedom throughout the process.

See below to see how it works in details, but here’s a snapshot of how it works:
Physical results are built on one thing and one thing only - sending the proper signals to your metabolism…

…And your metabolism doesn’t like extreme stress.

Stress is also the number one killer of progress when it comes to losing fat and getting leaner…

…That’s why I created the Next 10 Challenge to allow you to stop stressing your metabolism out with restrictive diets, all or nothing thinking, and extreme methods that don’t work…

…And instead give you peace of mind to know that your body is built on a rock-solid foundation that will become unbreakable over time.

How far you take it is up to you.

Did you know that, according to research, 95-98% of people who lose weight will gain it all back within 3 years or less?

The Next 10 Challenge will turn the biggest struggle for most people of keeping the weight off into an easy and enjoyable process for you to maintain the body you desire for the rest of your life.

The best part is... you can make significant strides in just 4 weeks, even if you have a hectic schedule, and you'll be looking and feeling your best heading into the holiday season. 
How Can I Make That Claim?
Because the Next 10 Challenge will also connect to the psychology of sustainable change and what drives you to take action on the things you say you want.

It flies in the face of traditional diets and extreme challenges that are unsustainable.

Instead, you will send the proper signals to your brain and body so that you stay more consistent, enjoy the process, and don’t get burned out with fatigue or intense hunger.

Through a simple and easy to follow nutrition plan that’s tailored to your individual needs, your body will respond exactly how you want it to and you won’t feel deprived because you’ll still be eating the foods you enjoy.

Then, you’ll utilize habit anchors that work with your brain to create an easy action plan that will feel almost effortless while you consistently wake up feeling your best and seeing noticeable changes over time.

It’ll feel like you woke up after 4 weeks with a new zest for life and confidence in your body that you never felt before.

What I love most about the Next 10 Challenge…

You can have a really busy schedule and a full social life and will still make progress.

You don’t have to spend countless hours thinking about what to eat or spending all of your time in the gym.

Why? Because it’s simple and effective.

  • You won’t need to stress about what to eat because the plan will be easy to follow and will include foods you love.
  • You won’t have to question if you’re doing enough because we’ll give the action steps that make the biggest impact with your results.
  • You won’t have to be perfect because we take perfection off the table and give you a realistic plan that makes sense for your lifestyle.

The ONLY thing you’ll need to do is show up and follow a few simple steps that don’t take much time or energy. This summer will be different for you because you’ll have more mental freedom and energy to spend on the people and the things that you care about.

And it doesn’t matter if your goal is to lose fat, build muscle, perform better, improve your health, or simply maintain.

You’ll be able to accomplish exactly what’s most important to YOU.


Listen up...

  • I want you to avoid the mistakes that I made. 
  • I don’t want you riding the roller coaster of being all-in on your diet, only to find yourself all-out shortly after.
  • I don’t want you stressed out about food and feeling confused with all the conflicting information out there.
  • I don’t want you obsessing over how much you should be eating or how many hours you should spend in the gym.
  • I don’t want you on the verge of burnout or even worse.. questioning whether you should even continue pursuing your goals at all.

I figured out how to consistently and sustainably improve my body composition without having to track every single thing I put in my mouth or killing myself in the gym.

What’s more…

I started loving the process and noticed huge improvements in my energy.

I found joy and excitement in the pursuit of my health goals.

And I’ve never gained the weight back (over 10 years) since implementing this framework.

And the best part?

The entire process from priming your metabolism to optimizing how you look and feel is repeatable every single week and month.

This is the single most effective method for body composition changes so you love what you see in the mirror.

It all starts out with knowing what you want to achieve (don’t worry if you haven’t answered this question yet, I’ll show you exactly how to know for sure).

Then, we identify the easiest action steps that will get things moving in the right direction for you.

Your metabolism will receive the “safety” signal so it can properly release unwanted body fat or build / maintain muscle.

At this point, you’ll have everything you need to achieve the physical results you desire…

But I don’t like to leave anything to chance.

So we sweeten the pot with accountability and guidance so you know exactly what to do on a weekly basis without having to spend any mental energy on wondering what will work for you.

Now, your success is inevitable.

Finally, you’ll have the peace of mind that you deserve in knowing that you will never gain the weight back again.

If you’re skeptical about that… 


There are a lot of people out there making promises that they can’t keep.

You want proof - real proof.

Well take a look at the results we’ve created…

There’s another thing I forgot to mention…

When you follow through on the Next 10 Challenge…

Your kids, your partner, and/or your friends will notice.

They’ll see the way you’re prioritizing yourself.

They’ll notice the change in your confidence and how you show up for them.

They’ll feel the difference in how present you are because you’re not stressing about what to eat or how to make up for the “poor food choices” you made.

When you have the ability to tap treat your body the way it wants to be treated…

You will be the example that you always wish you had as a kid.

You’ll feel lighter and younger.

You’ll have an extra zest for life that others will notice, even if they don’t quite understand where it’s coming from.

The Next 10 Challenge will have a compounding effect on your confidence and well-being.

Now, I want you to imagine for a second what 
happens if you don’t take me up on this offer?

  • You’ll cycle between trying to be perfect and falling completely off the wagon.
  • You’ll spin your wheels and get frustrated when your body seems to be fighting against you.
  • You’ll worry and stress about how your clothes fit or what you look like in pictures.
  • You’ll have anxiety during social situations or vacations that are supposed to give you joy but food and your weight consume your thoughts.
  • You’ll question your ability to be successful and that insecurity will show up in other areas of your life.

But it doesn’t have to be that way!

Now, I want you to imagine a different scenario.

Imagine waking up each morning and loving what you see in the mirror.

Imagine knowing exactly what to small action steps you need to take each day that will move you forward.

Imagine seeing yourself in pictures and not having to hide or pick yourself apart.

Imagine getting noticed by your partner or your friends.

Imagine having a foundation of health so that you can be active with your kids.

Imagine not even needing to think twice about what works for you because you have a process that you love.

This can be your reality.

All you have to do is join.

But I want to make this even easier for you.

Because what if I’m completely full of it?

Well, the worst case scenario is that I take your $97 and treat myself to a nice dinner and you never hear from me again.

In that case, you make the dispute with your credit card company and are made whole in a few days.

But what if I’m right?

What if this is the exact thing you need to prioritize yourself to take control of your health and fitness? What if you had freedom and joy in a process that allows you to live your life, not obsess over food, and still reach your goals and feel your best?

In that case, you wake up feeling excited because you know you finally made the lifestyle change you’ve wanted for so long.

  • You know how to fuel your body appropriately so that you have energy and confidence.
  • You know how to set the best possible example for your family and kids.
  • You know how to fuel your body You know how to see the results of your hard work paying off in a way that lasts forever.
  • So, really, you can’t afford NOT to do this.

Here’s my promise to you…

I can’t promise that you’ll become an instant success story.

I can’t promise that you’ll achieve a physique beyond your wildest dreams.

I can’t promise that you’ll never struggle with your weight again.

Why can’t I promise those things?

Because I don’t know if you’re going to do the work.

You may do absolutely nothing and in that case, you’ll get nothing in return.

I’m going to assume that since you’re here and you’ve made it this far that you are NOT the type of person to sit on an opportunity like this and do nothing with it.

And because you’re going to implement and do the work, then I CAN promise that you’ll see a noticeable difference in a very short period of time.

How Soon?

Well, the sooner you enroll, the sooner you’ll reap the benefits.
So let’s not delay any longer.

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to a charity that is voted on by the participants of the challenge !

Here’s How It Works When You Join The Next 10 Challenge:

1. Sign up for the challenge for $97 today.

2. You’ll get an instant email with your login information. 

3. Log into the POP app which can be accessed from your computer or phone. 

4. Once you're logged in you’ll receive a welcome message in the app that has an intake form for you to fill out so we can create your custom nutrition and plan.

5. After you complete your intake form, we’ll send you your custom nutrition plan and give you access to our amazing challenge resources and guides.

6. We will get you all set up with a strength training plan that works with your goals, lifestyle and any limitations you have.  

7. Each week we’ll look over your progress to ensure you keep dropping pounds and inches. 

8. Every week there’s a live group coaching call AND Q&A call inside the app to troubleshoot any issues, get support and accountability. The replays are posted immediately as well

9. Use the resource library, community, 24/7 message support, and mindset coaching for an extra boost to permanently lose stubborn fat.

10. Enjoy the process and watch the weight and inches fall off over time!  
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We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.