The Real Key to Looking Better Naked

The Real Key to Looking Better Naked

Sometimes it’s truly about looking better naked. And that’s ok. Aesthetic goals or vanity goals are perfectly fine and valid. Don’t let anyone make you feel like achieving the physical appearance that you desire for your body is wrong. The problem is...
10 Key Lessons From Thousands of Success Stories

10 Key Lessons From Thousands of Success Stories

I want to tell you the most common characteristics of highly successful people. I’m not talking about Elon or Bezos or anyone like that. I mean, maybe your goal is to be a billionaire but I’d rather learn from those who are just like me and you. I’ve...
Are Fear and Anxiety Holding You Back?

Are Fear and Anxiety Holding You Back?

Close your eyes and try to think about anything except a white bear. Give yourself 60 seconds and think any thought you want … except do NOT think about a white bear. How’d that go? Probably not so well. The white bear effect is a concept that illustrates...
Can You Out Train a Bad Diet?

Can You Out Train a Bad Diet?

You actually can out train a bad diet. Remember the show Hard Knocks? It’s basically an inside look at one NFL team during training camp and preseason. Mel and I watched this past season with the Lions and it’s still highly entertaining. Here’s how...
A Secret About Our Nutrition Coaching Program

A Secret About Our Nutrition Coaching Program

I have a secret to tell you … and I need you to lean in and listen closely … Our nutrition coaching program … that I often speak so highly of … Is nothing magical. It won’t wow you. It won’t blow you away with awe. We don’t...