Invest In Yourself And FINALLY See Results!

Invest In Yourself And FINALLY See Results!

Imagine busting your ass in the gym consistently for years … and never gaining any muscle. Imagine eating 1200 calories per day … and never losing even a pound of body fat. Imagine if someone told you 10 years ago that you’d be back at square one in...
This Decision Will Save You: What Will YOU Choose?

This Decision Will Save You: What Will YOU Choose?

You are an active participant in your own misery. Nothing like a solid gut punch on a Monday morning. Doesn’t it feel better to take ownership and responsibility than to play the “woe is me” card? I think so. Anyway, it’s true. If you’re...
The One Choice That Will Change Your Results

The One Choice That Will Change Your Results

Not being where you want to be right now is a choice. That may suck to hear but it’s true. You always have a choice. Think back at all of the choices you’ve made up until this point that landed you where you are today. If you’re frustrated by a lack...
Do You Know How to Stop Snacking?

Do You Know How to Stop Snacking?

How to stop snacking … This question may conjure up a whirlwind of emotions … What if there were a simple test you could give to your kids to determine if they’ll be successful or not? Would you do it? Would you even want to know? Well that test does...