Does Your Vacation Diet Cause Stress and Anxiety?

Does Your Vacation Diet Cause Stress and Anxiety?

Vacation used to be a major source of stress … Yup, you read that correctly. Maybe it doesn’t sound so strange given the current state we’re in, but this had nothing to do with stress about traveling … It had to do with stress about food. I...
I Felt Like an Outcast – Do You Feel the Same Way?

I Felt Like an Outcast – Do You Feel the Same Way?

I always felt like an outcast. Which, for someone who wants to fit in and get along with everybody, was a tough pill to swallow. Let’s just say I didn’t take that medicine very well. Here’s a little of my story … That feeling began when I found...
Are Dietary “Rules” Holding You Back?

Are Dietary “Rules” Holding You Back?

Here is the list of things you CAN’T do if you want to be successful with your nutrition and fitness … 1. Stop reading stupid ass lists that only include arbitrary dietary rules and restrictions. That’s it. Dietary rules may be hindering your...
Is Tracking Macros Necessary For Success?

Is Tracking Macros Necessary For Success?

Counting calories and/or tracking macros are quite popular in many nutrition programs out there. Counting calories is pretty self explanatory … you’re counting the number of calories you eat in a day. Tracking macros is when you break down where those...
Does Your Dieting Program Make SENSE?

Does Your Dieting Program Make SENSE?

Peanut butter was supposed to save my tanking metabolism … This story always serves as a good reminder of why it’s so important to avoid the pitfalls of always eating less. Before I get into it, last night I did a free training on how your personality...