Health Benefits
Health Benefits
The Type 1B Neurotype Bundle is for Type 1B’s who want a faster and easier way to achieve a healthier and more attractive body.
Note: Type 1B is one of the five Neurotype personality profiles. If you don’t know your Neurotype, click here to discover your Neurotype now.
This supplement bundle contains 5 supplements that are fully customized for all Type 1B’s to optimize their brain chemistry.
This bundle helps Type 1B’s to be:
• More motivated
• More focused
• Excel in multiple areas of your life simultaneously
• Have a better mood
• Reduce procrastination
• Increase your willpower
• Rest and recover better
• Sleep better at night
… and much more.
These help Type 1B’s to achieve their weight loss goals much faster and easier than before with minimal time investment and minimal risk.
For maximum fat loss results, we also recommend taking Type 1B’s Maximum Fat Loss Bundle together with this bundle.
Type 1B’s are what we call “Dopamine Dominant.” Being Dopamine Dominant means that Type 1B’s tend to have “high dopamine sensitivity”. In addition, Type 1B’s also tend to have high levels of acetylcholine. These are what contribute to Type 1B’s unique personality traits.
Type 1B’s personality tends to be the imaginative, charismatic and confident leader with high self-esteem.
They have explosive personalities and are also usually creative and great at problem-solving.
They are very goal-oriented and will do anything they can to achieve them.
They also tend to be naturally athletic and fast learners. They learn and pick up things very quickly and easily.
Because of their unique brain chemistry, they are able to perform very well under pressure and handle high amounts of stress.
They’re also the type of people that seem to be able to multitask very well and don’t seem distracted by a bunch of things at once.
There are 3 common pitfalls that prevent Type 1B’s to be at their best:
Pitfall #1: Dopamine Depletion.
Dopamine Depletion occurs when dopamine is “depleted” or at dangerously low levels in the brain.
This prevents Type 1B’s to display their unique strengths and attributes.
Pitfall #2: High Stress
For Type 1B’s, it’s quite common to have high levels of dopamine at certain times, especially when they are motivated or excited by certain things.
High levels of dopamine for Type 1B’s is generally a good thing, especially when they are working towards a more attractive body or at work. It’s what gives Type 1B’s the edge over everyone else.
But there’s also a huge danger here. When dopamine levels are high, dopamine can also be converted to another brain chemical called adrenaline. This can be harmful for Type 1B’s because adrenaline increases stress and cortisol levels.
Besides leading to chronic stress and burnout in the long term, high levels of stress can also easily lead to Dopamine Depletion.
Pitfall #3: Lack of High-Quality Rest & Sleep
Type 1B’s can typically handle and recover from stress better than most, so they often work long hours or play late into the night. Because of that, they tend to have trouble getting consistent good quality sleep every night.
But because they are able to handle the stress, they often don’t prioritize rest and continue to push themselves past their limit.
They also tend to sacrifice sleep but can get away with it in the short term as their motivation, acetylcholine, and serotonin remain high.
When these brain chemicals are high, you can feel unstoppable. Even a lack of sleep and stress won’t get you down. But the downside is that while Type 1B’s might be able to maintain at this pace in the short term, in the long term it can lead to burnout and chronic fatigue.
How The Type 1B Neurotype Bundle Works
The Type 1B Neurotype Bundle helps support Type 1B’s unique brain chemistry so that they can be at their best in whatever they do.
The Type 1B Neurotype Bundle contains:
1. Dopamine Support
* Laser Focus & Attention
* Unbeatable Drive To Accomplish Tasks
* Better Physical & Athletic Performance
* Reduced Brain Fog & Better Mental Clarity
* Increase Motivation & Willpower
As Type 1B is Dopamine Dominant, one of the biggest pitfalls is Dopamine Depletion. Dopamine Depletion happens when your brain does not have enough dopamine. So we want to avoid dopamine depletion by making sure there is enough dopamine in the brain.
By taking this Dopamine Support supplement, you will ensure that your body will be able to produce enough dopamine every day for you to be at your best.
The best times to take Dopamine Support are in the morning and before your workout.
Taking it in the morning before work will help you feel very focused, alert, and ready to take on the day.
You will feel extra motivated, productive, and procrastinate less.
It will put you in the best state of mind to get to work.
You will find it much easier to get to work, stay focused, and overcome any challenges in your way.
Whatever you need to do at work or in life, you will be able to do it faster and easier than usual.
You will also find it much easier to stay committed to your diet and workout.
No more forcing yourself because “you don’t feel like doing it.”
No more having your body work against you.
Taking it before exercise will also give you extra motivation and get you in the perfect mental neurological state to exert maximum effort during your session.
2. Metabolic Balance
* Reduce Stress & Fatigue
* Support Better Recovery
* Enhance Cognitive Focus
* Balance Mood
The main purpose of Metabolic Balance is to help manage stress, improve recovery, support better mood, and balance hormone levels.
Many Type 1B’s tend to multi-task and often chase goals with reckless abandon.
They would get involved in a lot of things…
Work long hours…
Juggle between career, family, and life…
While trying to work out and diet at the same time.
All these put a lot of stress on the body and nervous system.
So your stress or cortisol levels will increase…
Which is bad for Type 1B’s.
Taking Metabolic Balance will help avoid this pitfall by helping Type 1B’s to reduce unwanted stress.
3. Essential Amino Acids/Branched-Chain Amino Acids (EAA/BCAA)
* Fights Physical & Mental Fatigue
* Prevent Muscle Breakdown
* Enhance Exercise Performance
* Reduce Soreness
* Promote Faster Recovery
* Increase Endurance & Strength
* Support Quicker Fat Loss
The main function of EAA/BCAA is to help fight physical and mental fatigue, promote faster recovery, support quicker weight loss while increasing exercise performance.
With Type 1B’s tendency to chase goals with reckless abandon, they are often able to push themselves to the max during their workouts. While this is generally a good thing, as it helps them to achieve their weight loss goals quicker, the downside is they might push their body and nervous system to the limit.
This could prevent the body from recovering well after the session, which might cause muscle breakdown and stall fat loss. As this continues, you might hit a plateau quickly, causing you to lose progress and motivation.
On top of that, because you’re going extremely hard during your workouts, you might also experience fatigue and a drop in motivation after your workouts, and not be able to focus on other things like work or family for the rest of the day.
Besides enhancing your exercise performance so that you can get faster progress, taking EAA/BCAA also helps you to reduce fatigue and recover faster, keep your dopamine and motivation high during and after workouts, while maximizing your fat loss as well.
During your workout sessions, we recommend sipping this EAA/BCAA supplement so that you will get the best results and recover faster after each session
4. GABA Support
* Promotes Feelings Of Calmness
* Supports Relaxation
* Supports Clear Thoughts And Calms One’s Mind
* Supports Restful, Restorative Sleep
* Regulate Muscle Tone
GABA is a brain chemical that is known for its calming effect. It can help with feelings of anxiety, stress, and fear.
Low levels of GABA are also associated with higher anxiety and stress levels. When people are always easily stressed or anxious, one of the common causes is low GABA levels. On the other hand, higher GABA levels will make you calmer, more relaxed, and have a better mood. More importantly, it also helps your body to rest and recover from stress easier. In the evening, GABA also helps your body and brain to calm down, relax and fall asleep easier.
A typical session for Type 1B is very explosive that requires a lot of mental power and brain activation. So after your workout or work, we want to calm the body and brain down by taking GABA Support. This helps to support faster recovery so that your body can lose fat and tone the muscle easier.
Another great benefit of GABA Support is to help Type 1B’s to have better sleep at night. As Type 1B’s tend to have trouble quieting down their mind and relaxing in the evening, GABA Support also helps to calm the mind and make it easier to fall asleep and get a deep restful sleep at night.
5. Sleep Aid
* Fall Asleep Easier
* Deeper Sleep
* Wake Up Feeling Rested & Restored
* Improve Quality Sleep
* Calm Your Mind Of Racing Thoughts
Many Type 1B’s tend not to have enough quality sleep every night.
Type 1B’s might experience a dopamine and acetylcholine spike in the evening, which makes them too excited and difficult to quieten their mind before bed.
When dopamine and acetylcholine are high, they can feel really good. You feel motivated and excited so you want to keep going. You feel extremely focused and driven to keep pushing on. Together with higher serotonin and GABA levels, you might also get the best ideas and come up with interesting solutions to problems. Your creative juices keep flowing. You’re excited by the possibilities. It can be very addictive in this state and difficult to stop, especially when you’re getting a lot of ideas, progress or pleasure.
Being Dopamine Dominant, many Type 1B’s also tend to spend a lot of time on addictive activities until late in the night, like watching Netflix, playing games, social media, etc.
As a result, many Type 1B’s often stay up late at night and sacrifice quality sleep. A lack of deep quality sleep is often a major downfall for Type 1B’s.
Besides giving the body and the mind enough sleep to recover from the high intensity from work and training, the body also produces less dopamine when you have insufficient sleep.
This is why taking this Sleep Aid every night before bed is extremely important for all Type 1B’s.
It helps Type 1B’s to have a consistent good sleep every night so that your body can perform at its best every day.

When can I experience results?
The best thing about these supplements is that they tend to get digested by the body quickly.
To ensure that you experience fast results, we’ve carefully calibrated the dosage of each supplement so that they will start to work well for you as soon as you start taking them.
However, as each individual’s body works differently, some might progressively experience more noticeable results within 3-4 weeks.
For the best results, take this supplement bundle consistently for at least 2-3 months.
How do I take these supplements?
How quickly will the supplements be shipped to me?
Are the results guaranteed? What if it doesn’t work for me?
If this supplement bundle doesn’t turn out to be the best decision you’ve ever made, or if you change your mind for any reason whatsoever, just drop us a message anytime in the next 60 days and we’ll refund you the full price right away.
I have a certain medical condition. How do I know it’s safe to take these supplements?
That said, we advise you to consult your doctor or a medical professional before taking these supplements, especially if you have certain medical conditions.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical conditions.
The testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. Every testimonial on this website is from a real customer who used the product, and/or nutrition advice listed on the website. No one was paid for a testimonial or endorsement.
Users reviews reflect the opinions of the individual user. You should assume that any results shown in testimonials, advertisements, stories, blog posts, articles, forums, or anywhere else on this site or our associated websites are not typical. Results may vary from person to person.
This product is not intended as a medical prescription or alternative to prescribed treatment. If you are on medication or suffer from medical conditions, please consult your doctor before consuming any of our products.