The Neurotype Training & Nutrition Blog

Top 10 Ingredients to Achieve Your Goals and WIN

Top 10 Ingredients to Achieve Your Goals and WIN

If you truly want something, it's not enough to simply declare it. There are a lot of ingredients that are required to make you achieve your goals. Recently, I mentioned that only 5% of people who attempt to lose weight will get the weight off and keep it off. Today,...

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Why You Lose Weight and Gain It All Back

Why You Lose Weight and Gain It All Back

You've probably heard by now that only 5% of people who attempt to lose weight will succeed in getting the weight off AND keeping it off. Have you ever considered why that's the case? Well, I'm about to explain. But be careful with this information ... diet programs...

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Are Cheap Nutrition Programs Holding You Back?

Are Cheap Nutrition Programs Holding You Back?

Lessons from a 10 year old: cheaper is not always better! The other day Mel and I were taking a walk with her youngest daughter, Evie. She was upset because she had just purchased an Apple Pencil for her iPad (or stylus or whatever they're called) and it broke. As we...

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How to Stay Lean With Intuitive Eating

How to Stay Lean With Intuitive Eating

I'm going to outline the exact blueprint for being able to eat intuitively and remain lean and fit. Now, keep in mind, this is just my opinion for the most effective way of accomplishing this. It's ok if you disagree. The qualifier is ... you must have a goal of...

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How You Can Eat More and Still Get Leaner

How You Can Eat More and Still Get Leaner

Here's why eating more may be the exact thing you need to do to get leaner ... Last night we had a call for our challengers and a question came up about macros. This particular individual asked her question and then shared that she's eating more than she ever has and...

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How to Break Up With the Scale For Good

How to Break Up With the Scale For Good

Here's how to fix your hang up with the scale ... Look, I get it ... The feeling of doing everything "right" and then stepping on the scale the next morning, only to be staring at a higher number than the day before is incredibly frustrating. It used to ruin my entire...

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Is NOW a Good Time For Pursuing Fat Loss?

Is NOW a Good Time For Pursuing Fat Loss?

This is a pivotal moment that can make or break your results over the next several months or even years. That's not me being dramatic ... I'm dead serious and basing that off of years of experience (both as a client and as a coach). It's hard to believe we're in the...

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How to Combat Menopausal Metabolism

How to Combat Menopausal Metabolism

Everything you've been told about menopausal metabolism, and metabolism in general, is wrong. Or maybe put more accurately, I should say ... is misleading. Your metabolism is what determines whether you burn or store body fat. So it's important to send the proper...

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Calories Don’t Make You Fat. What Does?

Calories Don’t Make You Fat. What Does?

Calories don't make you fat. I mean, technically, yes, over consuming calories will lead to weight gain but that's not actually the issue. Imagine taking a hammer and smashing your hand with it and then blaming the hammer. Technically, the hammer broke your hand. But...

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Tried Every Diet But Can’t Lose Weight?

Tried Every Diet But Can’t Lose Weight?

"I've tried every single diet and I can't lose weight." That was a comment I received this morning. And it's definitely not the first time (and certainly won't be the last). What if we rearrange that statement to something a little more accurate ... "I can't lose...

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The Best Hack for Fat Loss

The Best Hack for Fat Loss

I'm going to teach you a hack for fat loss that will help you lose 20 lbs. without any form of dieting. It works every single time and has the lovely side effect of allowing you to maintain those results with ease. The catch? It's counter to everything that your brain...

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