Health Benefit
Health Benefits
The Type 2B Maximum Fat Loss Bundle is for Type 2B’s who want to maximize their fat loss and get rid of stubborn fat
Note: Type 2B is one of the five Neurotype personality profiles. If you don’t know your Neurotype, click here to discover your Neurotype now.
This supplement bundle contains 3 supplements that are fully customized for all Type 2B’s to maximize their fat loss results.
For best results, we also recommend taking Type 2B’s Neurotype Bundle as well.
As you start to lose weight, you may notice that some areas of the body are harder to burn fat than others. We usually refer to them as “problem areas” or “stubborn fat”. These stubborn fat areas are usually on the belly, butt, and thighs. Oftentimes, it just seems like there’s no way to get rid of them.
Why Stubborn Fat Is Hard To Lose
While following a proper exercise and nutrition plan for your Neurotype can help a lot, stubborn fat generally takes a much longer time to get rid of. And that’s because stubborn fat is physiologically different than other types of fat, such as:
1. Stubborn fat is generally found in areas that are harder to burn, like belly, butt, and thighs.
2. Stubborn fat gets less blood flow, so they get “burned” less.
3. The body wants to preserve these fats.
How To Get Rid Of Stubborn Fat
There are 3 things you can do right now to get rid of stubborn fat:
- Maximize Metabolic Rate
- Maximize Fat Burning During Every Workout
- Prioritize Recovery For Faster Fat Loss
How The Type 2B Fat Loss Bundle Works
The Type 2B Fat Loss Bundle helps support these three activities above to maximize fat loss.
The Type 2B Fat Loss Bundle contains:
#1: Metabolic Burn
* Maximize Fat Loss
* Burn Stubborn Fat
* Reduce Fat Storage
* Regulate Appetite
* Reduce Bloating & Water Retention
The main purpose of the Metabolic Burn is to increase your metabolism to the maximum so that you will burn as many calories and fat as possible every day.
Another key benefit of taking this Metabolic Burn is it also helps to reduce bloating and water retention, which makes it much easier to look good every day as you continue to burn away unwanted fat with Metabolic Burn.
There are several unique ingredients that maximize fat burning.
The first unique ingredient is Synephrine. Synephrine is an active ingredient found in Bitter Orange. This natural ingredient has been proven to increase fat metabolism and heat expenditure. In particular, many people who take synephrine have found it useful to burn stubborn fat.
The next unique ingredient is Naringin. Naringin is a flavonoid commonly found in grapefruit. Apart from boosting metabolism, what made Naringin ideal for fat loss is it also prevents fat gain and causes the feeling of fullness.
The third ingredient is Hesperidin. Hesperidia is commonly used as a natural remedy for a number of health problems, including allergies, high blood pressure, hot flashes, sinusitis, and symptoms associated with menopausal changes, premenstrual syndrome, and varicose veins (enlarged, bulging veins)
When combining Hesperidin with other ingredients in Metabolic Burn, it has been shown to significantly reduce tummy fat, especially subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat is found in the innermost (deepest) layer of skin. It is where most of the stubborn fat is found. So taking Metabolic Burn makes it faster and easier to burn away stubborn fat in the tummy.
All these make Metabolic Burn the ideal supplement for those who want to maximize fat loss and get rid of stubborn fat for good.
#2: Whey Protein
* Support Lean Muscle Growth
* Prevent Muscle Breakdown
* Promote Faster Recovery
Sufficient protein is needed to ensure that your body doesn’t burn muscle instead of fat. Our body prefers to preserve fat whenever we’re losing weight. When there’s not enough protein in your nutrition, instead of burning fat, the body will hold on to fat and burn your muscle instead. This often contributes to the “skinny fat” look.
This is why it’s important to ensure that you have enough protein in your nutrition for continuous and sustained fat loss, as well as building toned muscles that give you a sexier physique.
Taking this Whey Protein helps ensure that you meet your daily protein requirement, especially after your workout.
#3: Essential Amino Acids/Branched-Chain Amino Acids (EAA/BCAA)
* Fights Physical & Mental Fatigue
* Enhance Exercise Performance
* Promote Faster Recovery
Taking EAA/BCAA helps you to reduce fatigue and recover faster while keeping your dopamine and motivation high during and after workouts. It also enhances your exercise performance to maximize your fat loss.
Taking EAA/BCAA also prevents muscle breakdown and ensures that your body prioritizes burning calories and fat first. Instead of burning muscles, your body will prioritize fat-burning during your workouts.
During your workout sessions, we recommend sipping this EAA/BCAA supplement so that you will get the best results and recover faster after each session.

When can I experience results?
To ensure that you experience fast results, we’ve carefully calibrated the dosage of each supplement so that they will start to work well for you as soon as you start taking them.
However, as each individual’s body works differently, some might progressively experience more noticeable results within 3-4 weeks.
For the best results, take this supplement bundle consistently for at least 2-3 months.
How do I take these supplements?
How quickly will the supplements be shipped to me?
Are the results guaranteed? What if it doesn’t work for me?
If this supplement bundle doesn’t turn out to be the best decision you’ve ever made, or if you change your mind for any reason whatsoever, just drop us a message anytime in the next 60 days and we’ll refund you the full price right away.
I have a certain medical condition. How do I know it’s safe to take these supplements?
That said, we advise you to consult your doctor or a medical professional before taking these supplements, especially if you have certain medical conditions.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical conditions.
The testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. Every testimonial on this website is from a real customer who used the product, and/or nutrition advice listed on the website. No one was paid for a testimonial or endorsement.
Users reviews reflect the opinions of the individual user. You should assume that any results shown in testimonials, advertisements, stories, blog posts, articles, forums, or anywhere else on this site or our associated websites are not typical. Results may vary from person to person.
This product is not intended as a medical prescription or alternative to prescribed treatment. If you are on medication or suffer from medical conditions, please consult your doctor before consuming any of our products.