About Us
Your POP Team & Neurotype Training Coaches
Introducing the POP family! Our team of neurotype training coaches, while all unique and talented in their own way, share one thing in common: success is driven by understanding the individual. The coach-client relationship is paramount in creating a transformational experience and helping you achieve your goals in the most sustainable way possible. We’ve put together an incredible team and our neurotype training coaches truly value communication and understanding your individual needs. Our personality-based approach has led to thousands of success stories and it all starts with this group right here.
Meet Our Neurotype Training Coaches & Team!

Mike Millner


Coach Becky

Coach Melanie

Coach Jim

Coach Leah

Coach Liz

Coach Ashley

Coach Kortney

Coach Jen

Coach Jen

Coach Sarah

Coach Chrissie

Coach Brittany
Mike Millner
Founder of POP
Mike Millner has been a high-level nutrition and neurotype training coach for almost 10 years. He has a gift for understanding the psychological and physiological needs of his clients, which has led to thousands of success stories. His personality-based approach with an emphasis on mindset has been featured in Thibarmy.com, Nutritional Coaching Institute, Ever Forward Radio, True Transformation, and many others.
Mike has a gift for understanding the psychological and physiological needs of his clients, which has led to thousands of success stories.
Mike believes the most important thing is connecting with you and understanding where you’re at in your journey. Personally, he has been on every end of the spectrum when it comes to dieting and everywhere in between. He’s been ashamed, insecure, overweight, orthorexic, skinny fat, and finally embarrassed to step foot in the gym. But he’s come out the other side into a place of balance, harmony, and good health.
Mike’s goal is to help as many people as possible to navigate through life as a healthy individual in a way that’s sustainable and enjoyable. As Mike would tell you – your personality is the key.
Coach Jim
Certifications: B.S. in Health and Exercise Science (Teacher Education), M.Ed. in School Leadership, M.S. in Exercise Science & Sports Nutrition, ISSN – Certified Sports Nutritionist, Pn1 – Certified Nutrition Coach, CFL1 – Crossfit Level 1 Trainer, NCI – Level 1, Level 2, Mindset Specialist, Hormone Specialist, Gut Health, Neurotype Certified Specialist
Jim has been a High School Health/Phys Ed teacher since 2001. He has a Master’s in School Leadership as well as a Master’s in Exercise Science and Sports Nutrition. Jim wrote a course in Applied Kinesiology and Nutrition as an elective for his school in 2015, which led to Nutrition Coaching by the end of that school year. Seeing students struggle with body image and the appeal of fad diets, as well as other adults in his life having the same struggle, he wanted to help people navigate through their nutrition. Jim had similar body image issues and tried all the things in the past. He can understand what people are going through and brings that understanding to the table with every client. Jim has helped hundreds of people change their bodies, body image, and relationship with food and the scale. Jim is married (Kate) and has a 10-year-old son (Hendrix). He is also the co-host of the podcast The Other Side Lifestyle.
Coach Kortney
Certifications: NASM CPT, Precision Nutrition Level 1, NCI Level 1 and Level 2, Neurotype Certification
Kortney is a wife and mother of 4. She is a retired professional dancer -turned group fitness instructor -turned competitive CrossFit athlete- turned nutrition coach- turned mind body eating coach! Kortney realized early on that her eating habits were holding her back from achieving the body that she was exercising so hard for. No matter how hard she worked out, she could not lose the weight she gained with each baby. Kortney began educating herself and found what works best for a busy mom who hates fruits and vegetables. That’s when she became a nutrition coach. Kortney wanted women to see that there is no cookie-cutter way to the body they desire, and it shouldn’t be that hard. She is here to teach what she has learned, and empower women around food and body. Kortney is thrilled to share this journey with POP, as a neurotype training coach, advocate, and friend.
Coach Melanie
Certifications: Neurotyping, NCI Level 1, NCI Hormone Specialist, NCI Mindset Specialist, NCI Masterclasses: Gut Health and Thyroid Health
Melanie has been a neurotype training coach with Peak Optimization Performance since October 2018. Prior to becoming a nutrition coach, she worked with Mike as a client for 3 years on her own nutrition and health goals. Melanie continues to work with both nutrition and neurotype training coaches because she believes so deeply in the benefits of having a coach, and in the overall benefits of good nutrition on every aspect of health. Melanie loves working with all client types – from those that have never tracked a macro and need to start with a habits-based approach, to those who start off with a macro-based plan. Most of all, Melanie prides herself on the fact that she has never spent a single Sunday meal-prepping, and leads a very busy life – all while building and maintaining a physique she is proud of.
She loves to share her tips and tricks with busy clients for super quick, easy ways to get in all the protein and veggies, and to maintain a social life while working toward health and physique goals! In her free time, Melanie loves to spend time with her family – 3 kids (2 girls and 1 boy), 2 dogs, and her two best friends – her sister, Amy, and of course, Coach Mike.
Coach Leah
Certifications: Neurotyping, NCI Level 1, NCI Hormone Specialist, NCI Mindset Specialist, NCI Masterclasses: Gut Health and Thyroid Health
There’s nothing in the world of personal fitness or nutrition that Leah hasn’t researched or tried. She got her start getting a personal training certification 18 years ago. Since then, it’s been everything you can think of, including yoga, the Bar Method, vegetarianism, weight training, gymnastics, spinning, judo, veganism, paleo eating, CrossFit, and a few more. Leah has distilled all of this experience into a guided experience for people to find what will work best for them. There is no one-size-fits-all plan.
Leah started working for Mike/POP in October 2018 and has certifications in
Precision Nutrition Level 1 and Level 2, Nutrition Coaching Institute, Flexible Dieting Certified, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer, CrossFit Gymnastics, CrossFit Weightlifting, and Hypertrophy Training.
Although she considers herself a Pacific NW girl, Leah lives just outside Santa Barbara, CA with her husband, son (6) and akita. While she loves the sun, she misses the rain dearly!
Admin for POP & The Muscle Feed
Amy was a dancer her entire life and has a BFA in Dance from Temple University in Philadelphia. After graduating, Amy took over her mom’s dance studio and performed with a local dance company in the Philly area. During this time, she and her twin sister, and coach, Melanie, also got more into strength training, and being interested in fitness and nutrition.
After realizing that teaching dance was not where her passion was, getting married and starting a family, Amy got into taking and then teaching Group Fitness classes. It was an obvious progression from dance to fitness. She became a certified Group Exercise instructor, Zumba instructor, Personal Trainer, Barre instructor, Schwinn cycling instructor, Level 1 Kettle Bell certified, and a Les Mills Body Pump, and Body Flow instructor. Teaching allowed Amy to raise her two sons, contribute to the household, and still do what she loved – to perform- just in a bit of a different setting 🙂
In 2016, while working in a corporate fitness setting, Amy met Mike through Melanie and he became her much needed nutrition coach.
In 2018 Amy started coaching for POP and then in April 2019, as POP began to grow, she and Mike decided she was best suited to be the POP admin.
In the years from 2016 until now, that Mike was Amy’s coach, she was finally able to progress and attain goals she had basically given up on. Even through the loss of her husband in 2017.
Amy works for Mike, all of the neurotype training coaches at POP, and for every client and person that comes through POP because she is committed to helping to get the message out in this saturated world of misinformation when it comes to nutrition and fitness.
Coach Liz
Certifications: Neurotyping Specialist, NCI Level 1 and 2 (exam submitted – pending), NCI Gut Health, NCI Thyroid Masterclass, NCI Mindset Specialist
Liz is a 2A, so she has done/been many things! Liz has two bachelor’s degrees, one in Biochemistry and the other in Molecular Biology. She also has a Master’s degree in Exercise Science. Liz grew up playing softball, soccer, and ice hockey and continues to play all of them recreationally. Ice hockey is her favorite! She will likely play it until she can’t walk. Liz also enjoys obstacle course racing, CrossFit, Olympic weight lifting, biking, hiking, and any and all board/card games. Liz has always been competitive and athletic but struggled much of her life because she never felt like she looked like an athlete. She also went through a big dietary change when she got diagnosed with celiac disease and gained quite a bit of weight as her gut was healing. This made her super interested in gut health and was much of the reason that she started becoming interested in learning about proper nutrition and exercise. Liz later became a neurotype training coach to help her parents reach their health goals. They were her very first clients. Liz watched them diet her entire life and get frustrated every time they would lose weight just to put it back on. Helping them through their journey lit a fire in Liz and showed her her true passion. Now that Liz has kids of her own she is determined to set an example for them and to teach them how to take care of themselves physically and mentally. Liz wants them to have a mom who is kind, happy, fulfilled, and an example of someone who goes after what she wants. Liz is committed to betterment as a lifelong process and a forever goal, and truly enjoys helping others reach their full potential. Liz is honored to be a part of POP’s team of expert neurotype training coaches!
Coach Ashley
Certifications: Neurotyping Specialist, PN Level 1
Ashley has explored several careers from social work and real estate to event planning. At the end of the day, they all helped her do what she loves to do best – help people! Ashley has been interested in health and fitness from a very young age. She played varsity hockey and had a love for running. Seeing her dedication, her friends have often reached out to her looking for help with their fitness goals. After wanting to improve her physique through weight lifting, Ashley pursued becoming a nutrition coach to help her learn how to fuel herself properly. She learned that she had so much to unlearn from years of being exposed to diet culture. After experiencing how great it feels to be well fed and rested, she decided she wanted to share this passion with others as a nutrition coach. Ashley’s greatest desire is to help people repair their relationship with food and find food freedom. She loves the idea of creating an individualized plan and helping empower people based on their personalities. She has had the best success herself using a flexible approach to food. Her values align perfectly with POP’s mission and is thrilled to be apart of this team of neurotype training coaches!
Coach Jen
When it comes to health and wellness Jen’s done it all, tired it all, failed a LOT, and has now finally found her “home” at POP, as a client and now a coach. Jennifer is excited to support you as you work to achieve your own personal goals. Jen truly believes, with patience, persistence and presence, there is nothing you can’t achieve!
Coach Becky
Certifications: NCI Level 1, NCI Hormone Specialist, Neurotype Certification, Certified Personal Trainer
In the last semester of her pursuit to a double bachelor’s degree in a nothing nutrition or fitness related field (Emergency Management and Sociology), Becky took a class called “Weight Lifting for Women.” She had some experience weight training with machines but as an avid runner, her experience working with free weights was limited. She instantly fell in love. On the second to last day of class the professor told her he couldn’t believe she wasn’t going into something fitness related. He validated feelings she’d had all semester and she left the class feeling like perhaps she’d missed a boat.
A few years later, a trainer she followed on Facebook wrote a post about becoming a personal trainer independent of any school studies. Struggling with her own body image, weight, and nutrition issues since 5th grade, Becky had found weightlifting to be an outlet and had a strong desire to help others do the same. Less than a week later, she was enrolled in NASM’s Personal Training course. She’s primarily used the certification to program workouts for family and friends.
Becky is a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM. She also has nutrition certifications in Level 1 and Hormone Specialist through NCI and was certified in the very first round of the Neurotyping Certification course through Peak Optimization Performance.
Becky works full time as the Safety Coordinator for her state’s largest school district. She is a wife, a mom to four young boys, a dog mom to two more males, and considers herself an expert toilet cleaner.
She’s also a 2A, so variety is the spice of her life. In her spare time, you can find her in her home gym lifting heavy things or creating bags behind her sewing machine.
Coach Jen
Jennifer Hardy has been a lifelong educator, living in southern Idaho with her husband and 3 boys (ages 16, 19, 22).
She currently works as a special education administrator and online nutrition/wellness coach. She has always had a strong passion for nutrition and fitness since high school but has struggled in her own journey…trying every diet and workout program imaginable, which never created lasting results and often contributed to feeling miserable along the way.
In 2015, she was diagnosed with two types of cancer that led to a shift in her focus from wanting to be a certain size or look a certain way to a strong desire to feel good and improve her health. While aesthetics is still important, she will no longer fall victim to programs or strategies that will compromise her overall health.
This shift also reminded her to spend more time doing what she loved so she started learning and growing as a coach and has been coaching for 6 years, specializing in macros, lifestyle habits and mindset.
Jen works hard to help clients develop a lifestyle full of energy that is healthy and sustainable along with helping them reach their personal goals and manage their biofeedback to feel their best.
She is super excited to be a part of the POP team and serve her clients with excellence in line with Mike’s vision for Peak Optimization Performance.
In her spare time, Jen loves to spend time with her family, watch high school sporting events, go on outdoor walks with her dog, bake, kayak, and travel.
Jen is a Neurotype 3 who struggles to manage stress and has to be intentional about finding that work/life balance. She loves pizza, has a strong sweet tooth and is slightly addicted to Sonic Diet Coke….which has taken years to find that balance of moderation.
Coach Sarah
Degrees and Certifications: M.S. Science in Education (Professional Development), B.S. Science in Education (Special Education)
Working Against Gravity (WAG) Certified Coach, Youth Mental Health First Aid, Girls Gone Strong Women’s Coaching Specialist, Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Nutritional Coaching Institute Level 1 Nutrition Coach, CrossFit Level 1, Neurotype Certification
Coach Chrissie
Chrissie’s goals for her clients include sharing her passion for nutrition with you by making it fun, accessible, and easy to incorporate into your own busy lifestyle. Her knowledge of nourishment will help you feel inspired and motivated to commit to make comfortable lifestyle changes to gain the satisfaction that comes from feeling good and seeing long lasting results.
Coach Brittany
Certifications: PN L1,WAG Nutrition Certification, Neurotyping Certification, CF L1 & L2
Brittany is a nutrition coach, CrossFit Coach, and former Division 1 Athlete.
All her life, Britt has been passionate about health, wellness, and sports. Like many others, she has struggled with her weight and body image many times throughout the course of her athletic career, but with that struggle she has also gained knowledge. Her goal as a nutrition coach is to help give her clients the same knowledge, excitement and drive that she has gained over the years to maintain a positive body image and a healthy lifestyle. Her goal as a coach is always to provide support, positivity, and enthusiasm as she works with her clients towards their goals, no matter how big or small they may be.
Interested in 1:1 Coaching?
And let me know that you’re interested in the 1:1 signature coaching program.