by Mike Millner | Jul 13, 2023 | Blog
Anyone else need a drink right now? Stress has been mounting with work and the home stretch before the wedding and I could really use something to take the edge off … An old fashioned, perhaps? Or just straight bourbon. Maybe a vodka club with a lime. Hmmmm,...
by Mike Millner | Jul 10, 2023 | Blog
This is a pivotal moment that can make or break your results over the next several months or even years. That’s not me being dramatic … I’m dead serious and basing that off of years of experience (both as a client and as a coach). It’s hard to...
by Mike Millner | Jul 7, 2023 | Blog
Everything you’ve been told about menopausal metabolism, and metabolism in general, is wrong. Or maybe put more accurately, I should say … is misleading. Your metabolism is what determines whether you burn or store body fat. So it’s important to send...
by Mike Millner | Jul 5, 2023 | Blog
Calories don’t make you fat. I mean, technically, yes, over consuming calories will lead to weight gain but that’s not actually the issue. Imagine taking a hammer and smashing your hand with it and then blaming the hammer. Technically, the hammer broke...
by Mike Millner | Jul 3, 2023 | Blog
“I’ve tried every single diet and I can’t lose weight.” That was a comment I received this morning. And it’s definitely not the first time (and certainly won’t be the last). What if we rearrange that statement to something a little...
by Mike Millner | Jun 30, 2023 | Blog
I’m going to teach you a hack for fat loss that will help you lose 20 lbs. without any form of dieting. It works every single time and has the lovely side effect of allowing you to maintain those results with ease. The catch? It’s counter to everything...