Neurotype 3

What is Neurotyping?

Neurotyping is a method by which we examine our personality traits and use them to evaluate our neurotransmitter dominance. That information allows us to understand the best type of training, nutrition, and even mindset and lifestyle practices we can employ to maximize our results.

Simply put, Neurotyping is understanding how your brain chemistry impacts your training, nutrition, and lifestyle.

What is Neurotyping?

Neurotyping is a method by which we examine our personality traits and use them to evaluate our neurotransmitter dominance. That information allows us to understand the best type of training, nutrition, and even mindset and lifestyle practices we can employ to maximize our results.

Simply put, Neurotyping is understanding how your brain chemistry impacts your training, nutrition, and lifestyle.

What Neurotype are You?

So I Am Neurotype 3 – What Does That Mean?

Type 3 Neurotype is serotonin dominant due to their low levels of serotonin. Since serotonin is responsible for our sense of well being, type 3’s are more anxious by nature. Due to higher levels of anxiety and stress, type 3’s love routine.

Neurotype 3  Characteristics Include:

  • Are pragmatic and need a plan
  • Information gatherers and will be calculated and thoughtful with their decisions
  • They like to stay organized, follow a plan, and know exactly what’s coming as far out in advance as possible. They thrive on structure and don’t do well with an unexpected change

  • Avoid talking about themselves in social situations and prefer to just observe
Training For Your Neurotype

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How Do I Train for Neurotype 3

Neurotype Training will allow you to:

  • Train harder, stay focused and motivated
  • Recover more efficiently from training
  • Have less of a stress response from training by working with your natural brain chemistry
  • Progress optimally and maximize your results

Training according to your neurological makeup will allow you to reach your goals faster and smarter.


So What Kind of Workouts Do I Do as a Type 3 Neurotype?

They thrive on structure and don’t do well with an unexpected change of plans. Type 3’s are pragmatic and prefer repetitiveness over novelty or variation.

Type 3’s enjoy repetitive behavior so they typically gravitate towards more endurance style of training. Think of marathoners, cyclists, or swimmers. Many type 3’s enjoy strength training but mastering technique is of the utmost important for them. They need to feel confident in their ability to perform a lift before they can progress.

Low serotonin levels also make them more prone to overproduce cortisol. To ensure adequate recovery, type 3’s need less frequency, intensity, and volume. If there is too much variation, it will cause more anxiety which can lead to tension in the flexor muscles and risk of injury goes up.

Neurotype training success stories

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How Do I Eat for Neurotype 3?

Type 3’s are planners and organizers. They have higher levels of anxiety and tend to overproduce cortisol so our nutritional strategy will look to optimize both hormone function and neurotransmitter balance.

A training and non-training type of approach works well with diet for type 3’s, but we’re keeping carbs high across the board to help lower cortisol and increase serotonin. The caution with type 3’s is that they can overproduce cortisol which makes body comp improvements more challenging if it’s not managed. We want to increase insulin sensitivity and serotonin production through our dietary strategy.

To keep cortisol levels managed, meal frequency is spread evenly throughout the day. Training day calories will be higher than non-training day calories.

Daily Macro Protocol:

Macro percentages will be the same on training and non-training days, but the body weight multiplier will be different on the different days. Typical percentages would be as follows.

Training Day: Bodyweight Multiplier x12

  •         Protein – 25%
  •         Fats – 15%
  •         Carbs – 60%

Non-Training Day: Bodyweight Multiplier x 10

  •         Protein – 25%
  •         Fats – 15%
  •         Carbs – 60%
Neurotype training success stories

Nutrition for Your Neurotype

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