Puppies & Fitness, Cortisol, Stress & Adrenaline

Puppies & Fitness, Cortisol, Stress & Adrenaline

Imagine having the bottoms of your feet completely torn apart and still being able to run miles upon miles without stopping. It’s not difficult. You just need a massive amount of adrenaline. Just ask Preston. Preston is our 4 year old Feist mix and he’s...
Neurotransmitter Series Part 3: Adrenaline

Neurotransmitter Series Part 3: Adrenaline

Neurotransmitter series part ? Today we are going to talk about the adrenaline neurotransmitter.We covered dopamine and noradrenaline in parts 1 & 2 so if you missed those, check out the blog to catch upThe adrenaline neurotransmitter is another excitatory...