Don’t Like Your Mood? Change Your Food!

Don’t Like Your Mood? Change Your Food!

Have you ever snapped at someone unexpectedly and immediately were like … where the eff did that come from? Most likely a spouse or partner or friend. And, they said something pretty harmless and you just lost your shit in what felt like an out of body...
Neurotransmitter Series Part 4: Glutamate

Neurotransmitter Series Part 4: Glutamate

Today we’re talking about glutamate! A fascinating neurotransmitter that plays a role in emotional amplification and memory.Those who have high levels of glutamate will experience intense emotions… when they’re happy they’re REALLY happy. When they’re sad,...
Neurotransmitter Series Part 3: Adrenaline

Neurotransmitter Series Part 3: Adrenaline

Neurotransmitter series part ? Today we are going to talk about the adrenaline neurotransmitter.We covered dopamine and noradrenaline in parts 1 & 2 so if you missed those, check out the blog to catch upThe adrenaline neurotransmitter is another excitatory...
Neurotransmitter Series Part 2: Noradrenaline

Neurotransmitter Series Part 2: Noradrenaline

Noradrenaline, in my opinion, is an overlooked and underrated neurotransmitter when it comes to understanding mood regulation and stress.Like dopamine, it is an excitatory neurotransmitter and is actually fabricated downstream from dopamine.This is important to...