How to Heal Your Relationship With Food

How to Heal Your Relationship With Food

I can help you heal your relationship with food right now. Before I do, I just want to give you a heads up that I’m going to be communicating a lot on the goal achievement process in the coming weeks and months. I am the world’s leading expert on goal...
5 Red Flags You Shouldn’t Be Dieting

5 Red Flags You Shouldn’t Be Dieting

I’m throwing the red challenge flag. Maybe it’s because football is still on my mind since the Eagles kept me up way too late last night with their victory over the Packers. Or maybe it’s because I know what you’re planning on doing and I want...
Weekend Binges Aren’t the Problem (Here’s What Is)

Weekend Binges Aren’t the Problem (Here’s What Is)

I read something from a well-known coach that I found quite interesting. He said that his number 1 piece of advice, above all else, for making progress towards your fat loss goals is this … Make your weekends EXACTLY like your weekdays. While I understand his...