Are Your Food Obsessions Interfering With Life?

by | Nov 19, 2020

I’m going to have pizza and cookie cake tonight.

Whew, glad I got that off my chest.

(Anyone else get excited about upcoming meals? Not only do I look forward to delicious food but every single night before bed, I get overly excited about my coffee the next day. 🤷‍♂️)

Today is Mel’s youngest daughter’s birthday (she’s 8) and in two days, my Dad turns … (well, I’ll leave out his age.)

In other words, lots of delicious food is on the horizon!

In the past, it’s been normal for me to obsess over situations like this.

Freaking out over:
How I’m going to “stay on track”.
How I’m going to “make up” for extra calories.
How many extra workouts I need to do.
How can I possibly track these meals?
How much is this going to “set me back”?

And, you can forget about actually being present and engaged during these important life moments.

My brain would be 100% consumed by thoughts about food.


I’m NOT obsessing about food today!

✅I’m not tracking or concerned with eating pizza and cookie cake.
✅I’m not going to punish myself or restrict anything this week.
✅I’m not going to “make up” for extra calories.
✅I’m not going to do any extra workouts.
✅I’m not concerned with sabotaging my results.
✅Most importantly, I’ll be fully present and engaged with zero thoughts about food.

I’m really grateful for the freedom and flexibility that I have right now.

And, one of the biggest reasons it’s possible is that I changed the way I approach nutrition.

Instead of relying on being perfect, a strict plan, and food restriction (all mentally time consuming and exhausting, for me at least 🤷‍♂️), I use a simple framework that fits my lifestyle and relieves a lot of stress.

My framework does the heavy lifting for me.

No more second guessing food choices, questioning the plan, or wondering if there’s some shiny new object that would be a better option.

Nope. Just simple principles that make it easy and effective.

Plus, I get to have more fun. 🥳

Introducing … the Fat Loss Freedom Workshop

I’ll be sharing my exact framework that any individual can apply to themselves in early December.

Basically, I’ll show you exactly how to simplify the process for yourself and alleviate any mental stress you’re experiencing due to nutritional choices.

I may know a thing or two about this, after having successfully applied these methods to thousands of individuals.

===> Tap here to grab your seat + lifetime access to the workshop! <===

If you are one of the 125 individuals that already registered … get your popcorn ready!

This is going to be a blast!

Interested in 1:1 Coaching?

And let me know that you’re interested in the 1:1 signature coaching program.

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