610: Tracking Macros Is Not A Diet

In this episode, Mike clears up the confusion about tracking macros being a diet strategy. A lot of people will assume that macros didn't work for them but that assumes that tracking macros is a diet. Instead, it's often the underlying strategy that was...

609: The Next 10 Pounds

In this episode, Mike walks through the process of losing your next 10 lbs and exactly how to structure things for success between now and the rest of the year. This is an important episode if you want to avoid the trap of always starting over. Hair XT is offering 20%...

608: Coaches Compass: Growing Your Business from Scratch

In this episode of the Coaches Compass, Mike breaks down the 4 things you need to grow your business during the early stages. If you only have a few clients (or zero clients) and you want to grow the right way… this episode is for you! In fact, these principles...

607: Escaping the Comparison Trap

In this episode, Mike explains how to stop getting caught up in the comparison trap of what other people are doing. It's very easy to look at social media or see what people around you are doing and think you're not progressing fast enough or feel...

606: Nothing Changes If Nothing Changes

In this episode, Mike explains how to navigate certain life events like vacations, holidays, busy seasons at work, etc and avoid the trap of always starting over with your fitness and nutrition journey. Most people treat those life events as roadblocks and easily get...

605: Coaches Compass: Making Easy Sales

In this episode of the Coaches Compass, Mike explains exactly how to break out of a sales slump and to make easy sales inside of your coaching business. If you ever felt turned off by selling, this episode is for you.  Hair XT is offering 20% off their amazing...