Diet Culture or Personalized, Individual Nutrition?

by | Apr 24, 2020

Someone very close to me was offended by my book.

Which is especially interesting because she didn’t read a single word of it. Well, except for the title.

She claimed it was promoting diet culture.

It’s actually anti diet culture.

There’s a fine line that we must walk and most things in life are nuanced, with loads of gray.

This particular person is very extreme and an absolutist. That’s her right.

It does highlight an important distinction.

Society’s diet culture doesn’t see our individuality

Body positivity and weight inclusivity should be the norm.

Diet culture treats those concepts as unacceptable.

There’s a big difference between studying and reporting risk factors of obesity … Versus using that data to mock or shame those who are obese.

Read that again and please understand the difference.

There’s no denying the cultural and societal pressure (especially for women) to achieve a certain physical ideal. Also worth noting … skinny, thin, abs, etc. don’t equal HEALTH.

Restriction, deprivation, exercise as punishment, and any other dietary practice that comes from a place of “I’m not good enough or worthy” is flat out wrong.

HOWEVER, that doesn’t mean that it’s also wrong if you want to change your body composition!

Like I said … nuance.

If you want to make a change, if you have a physical goal, or if you want to use fitness and nutrition as a vehicle for FEELING your best … there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Anyone who makes you feel otherwise does not have your best interest in mind … period.

Similarly, anyone who makes you feel like you HAVE to change, aren’t good enough as is, and don’t deserve the same rights and treatment due to your body size, also doesn’t have your best interest in mind … period.


Don’t let anyone else dim your light.

It’s OK to love yourself now and also want to challenge yourself and improve in any area.

It’s OK to love yourself now and not pursue a fitness goal.

I can’t stand the blanket statements and absolutism.

Let’s address these things on an individual level. As is the case with almost everything in life!

Had to get that off my chest.

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