by Mike Millner | Feb 15, 2023 | Blog
Would you rather … be able to live in the body of your dreams for the rest of your life but die 7 years early OR live 7 years longer but have to continue to work on your body composition for that whole time? Ahhh … decisions, decisions. Who doesn’t...
by Mike Millner | Sep 13, 2022 | Blog
Your excuses are completely valid. How’d the weekend go? Was your nutrition on point? Did you get 8 hours of sleep per night? Did you move your body every single day? Did you do all the things you know you’re supposed to do? The answer is no, for me. If...
by Mike Millner | Sep 7, 2022 | Blog
“The two most powerful warriors … Patience and time.” “Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” Those two quotes by Leo Tolstoy and William Penn, respectively, perfectly encapsulate the tempestuous relationship we have with...
by Mike Millner | May 12, 2022 | Blog
Unpopular opinion: Being overwhelmed is a choice. I’m so overwhelmed I don’t even know where to start! Have you ever said those words? I know I have. When you feel like you’ve got 7 million things to do and you want to make sure everything is done...
by Mike Millner | Aug 4, 2021 | Blog
Imagine busting your ass in the gym consistently for years … and never gaining any muscle. Imagine eating 1200 calories per day … and never losing even a pound of body fat. Imagine if someone told you 10 years ago that you’d be back at square one in...