Behavior Change Leads to Sustainable Results

Behavior Change Leads to Sustainable Results

We are doing it all wrong. Myself included. We keep looking for the right plan. I just need a better plan to follow. I need a plan I can stay consistent with. What’s the plan? Tell me the plan! Even I’ve been known to say … you need to follow a plan...
5 Red Flags You Shouldn’t Be Dieting

5 Red Flags You Shouldn’t Be Dieting

I’m throwing the red challenge flag. Maybe it’s because football is still on my mind since the Eagles kept me up way too late last night with their victory over the Packers. Or maybe it’s because I know what you’re planning on doing and I want...
The Worst Dieting Advice Ever

The Worst Dieting Advice Ever

The absolute worst place to get dieting advice … When I was in college, I entered the halls of University of Maryland feeling pretty damn good about myself, physically. I played varsity tennis, soccer, and basketball in high school and never had to worry about...