Do You Focus on the Scale or Enjoy the Process?

Do You Focus on the Scale or Enjoy the Process?

When is the scale going to drop? Are you the type of person who weighs themselves in the morning and then allows the number to dictate your mood? It’s ok if you are. I was that way for years. And truthfully, when I’m actively in a dieting phase, I still...
Say Goodbye to Self Sabotage and Get Results!

Say Goodbye to Self Sabotage and Get Results!

Imagine what you could accomplish if you stopped self sabotage. I’m sure you’ve had that exact thought before. How many times have you made progress … Been firing on all cylinders … And just when you felt like you were about to cross the finish...
Are You Living Up to Your Genetic Potential?

Are You Living Up to Your Genetic Potential?

This fact might sting a little … But … not everyone will succeed. It sucks to think about that but it’s true. It’s especially true when it comes to body composition goals but it’s also true in every area of life. I remember when I was...
What Trees Have to Do With Your Health Goals

What Trees Have to Do With Your Health Goals

There were these two neighbors who both loved trees. Jim and Dave. Each morning, they’d wake up, walk out to their respective yards, greet each other, and then get to work. Jim was obsessed with having a 15 foot tree one day. It was his ultimate life goal. Dave...