Nutrition Coaching Client Challenges and Celebrations

Nutrition Coaching Client Challenges and Celebrations

I’m going to do something a little bit different today. Let me know what you think. Yesterday, we had our weekly team call and kicked it off with each coach sharing either a client win to celebrate or client challenges that they need help with. I wanted to share...
Calories and Macros Are Not Enough

Calories and Macros Are Not Enough

Believe it or not, calories and macros are not enough. I had to learn that the hard way. When I first discovered macros, I thought I was given the keys to total freedom and the body I desired. Ironically, it was right after a New Year, New You challenge that I joined...
Introducing Gut Health Problems …

Introducing Gut Health Problems …

I am about to embark on a healing journey. Yesterday, I met with my coach to go over the results of my GI map test and let’s just say … It wasn’t pretty. I’m kind of embarrassed to tell you. Makes me feel like a bit of a fraud. Here’s...