How Do You Fix the Person in the Mirror?

How Do You Fix the Person in the Mirror?

The person in the mirror is brutal. Calls out your deepest insecurities. Brings attention to your problem areas. My person in the mirror points directly at my love handles and lower back fat. Where does your person in the mirror point? The person in the mirror makes...
This One Macro Tweak Will Improve Your Results

This One Macro Tweak Will Improve Your Results

There’s one minor adjustment that you can make to your macros to exponentially increase your consistency and to get better results. It’s actually so simple that when I say it, you’ll probably roll your eyes at me. But, we’ve seen it work over...
Are Dietary “Rules” Holding You Back?

Are Dietary “Rules” Holding You Back?

Here is the list of things you CAN’T do if you want to be successful with your nutrition and fitness … 1. Stop reading stupid ass lists that only include arbitrary dietary rules and restrictions. That’s it. Dietary rules may be hindering your...
Can We Guarantee Your Results?

Can We Guarantee Your Results?

Can you guarantee my results?? That was a question asked to me on a consultation call the other day. It’s actually a great question. This particular person saw a post I made about how one of our clients just finished 6 months of coaching and had the following...