Your Coach Doesn’t Belong on a Pedestal!

Your Coach Doesn’t Belong on a Pedestal!

Stop putting your coach on a pedestal! ? I’m as guilty of this as anyone because it’s more of a type 2A and 2B thing. However, I’ve seen it quite frequently over the years. No one is perfect … even your coach! You hire a coach because you...
Why Are You Program Hopping?

Why Are You Program Hopping?

I’ve tried a bunch of programs and nothing ever sticks. Sound familiar? One of the biggest issues I see with people struggling to achieve their goals is program hopping or bailing too soon. The “experts” will tell you that it’s your fault. You...
Success – It’s More Than Just Weight Loss

Success – It’s More Than Just Weight Loss

I have struggled with my weight and body image for my entire life. I was a heavier kid, and I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) when I was 5. The doctors wanted me to lose weight, so that was a focus from my entire family. I was supposed to move...
What’s your Neurotype? Type 2A

What’s your Neurotype? Type 2A

Neurotype 2A Neurological Overview: More changing personality, a social chameleon, will adapt their behavior to the person or situation, lower level of self-esteem so need others to respect/like them.  This makes them great at reading people. High adrenaline...