Watch Out For the Major Red Flags

Watch Out For the Major Red Flags

Everything was fine … until it wasn’t. I’ve spent a lot of time journaling and reflecting lately and I noticed a pattern that I’m sure exists in all of us. Or maybe it’s just me and I want to believe I’m not alone lol. There have...
Some of Your Greatest Teachers Are In Your Past

Some of Your Greatest Teachers Are In Your Past

Why aren’t you where you want to be right now? Serious question. Think about it for a minute … And no, I’m not talking about the surface level bullshit … Ohhh, I just need to be more consistent … More disciplined … Have more...
Personal Growth and Success Require Commitment

Personal Growth and Success Require Commitment

Commitment is doing what you said you were going to do … Long after the mood you said you were going to do it in has left you. This is one of my favorite quotes that applies so much to fitness and nutrition but also to what’s going on all around us....