How to Set a Better Example For Your Kids

How to Set a Better Example For Your Kids

Judy wants to drop 25 lbs. for her upcoming beach vacation. She’s been taking her family to the same beach every year for the past decade and has never once felt comfortable in a bikini. Judy decided that this is the year it ends. She’s going to bust her...
7 Types of Dieters … Which One Are You?

7 Types of Dieters … Which One Are You?

In my experience, there are 7 types of dieters. Which one resonates the most with you? 7 Types of Dieters We’ve got … 1. The “all or nothing” dieter – the individual that jumps into a diet with 100% enthusiasm and effort, only to burn...
The Consistency Struggle … Is It the REAL Problem?

The Consistency Struggle … Is It the REAL Problem?

What is your biggest struggle? 9 times out of 10, when I ask that question the answer is … Consistency. I’m consistent all week and then the wheels come flying off on the weekend. I’m consistent all day and then I snack like crazy at night. I’m...
How to Lose Fat and Build Muscle

How to Lose Fat and Build Muscle

You’ve been lied to. I hate to be the one to tell you this but you’ve been consistently fed false information. And, it has to do with something that you really want. The gold standard of fitness goals … Body recomposition. The ultimate result where...