Why You Lose Weight and Gain It All Back

Why You Lose Weight and Gain It All Back

You’ve probably heard by now that only 5% of people who attempt to lose weight will succeed in getting the weight off AND keeping it off. Have you ever considered why that’s the case? Well, I’m about to explain. But be careful with this information...
How to Break Up With the Scale For Good

How to Break Up With the Scale For Good

Here’s how to fix your hang up with the scale … Look, I get it … The feeling of doing everything “right” and then stepping on the scale the next morning, only to be staring at a higher number than the day before is incredibly frustrating....
Is NOW a Good Time For Pursuing Fat Loss?

Is NOW a Good Time For Pursuing Fat Loss?

This is a pivotal moment that can make or break your results over the next several months or even years. That’s not me being dramatic … I’m dead serious and basing that off of years of experience (both as a client and as a coach). It’s hard to...
How to Combat Menopausal Metabolism

How to Combat Menopausal Metabolism

Everything you’ve been told about menopausal metabolism, and metabolism in general, is wrong. Or maybe put more accurately, I should say … is misleading. Your metabolism is what determines whether you burn or store body fat. So it’s important to send...
Calories Don’t Make You Fat. What Does?

Calories Don’t Make You Fat. What Does?

Calories don’t make you fat. I mean, technically, yes, over consuming calories will lead to weight gain but that’s not actually the issue. Imagine taking a hammer and smashing your hand with it and then blaming the hammer. Technically, the hammer broke...