Do You Focus on the Scale or Enjoy the Process?

Do You Focus on the Scale or Enjoy the Process?

When is the scale going to drop? Are you the type of person who weighs themselves in the morning and then allows the number to dictate your mood? It’s ok if you are. I was that way for years. And truthfully, when I’m actively in a dieting phase, I still...
Are You Lying About Your Results?

Are You Lying About Your Results?

“If you’re eating 1200 calories or less and not losing weight … You’re lying.” That was the message in a Nutrition Coaching group that I’m a part of and the person that wrote it is someone who started and sold a multi-million dollar...
My Top 5 Consistency Hacks to Get RESULTS

My Top 5 Consistency Hacks to Get RESULTS

The most important variable for your success is likely the thing you struggle with the most. Consistency. AmIrite? Would you describe yourself as consistently inconsistent? Or just straight up inconsistent? It’s no secret … If you want to be successful at...