Neurotype 1A Neurological overview:
Needs to be the leader, high self-esteem, seeks out conflicts, strong but non-adjustable personality, will do everything to win in any situation and losing will ruin their day.
Dopamine sensitive – Goal oriented, high self-esteem, seek to win (to get pleasure), loves to take risks, needs to be in charge
Low(er) serotonin vs. dopaminergic activity – A higher conversion of dopamine to adrenaline makes them more aggressive, irritable, and very driven. This also means they can’t tolerate a lot of volume because they will easily deplete dopamine.
Higher GABA – Black or white personality … there are no grey zones. It’s all or nothing. Not good at adjusting to various people or situations. Like a bull in a china shop.
Lower acetylcholine – Motor skills are not as good, cannot tolerate lots of volume because of a higher risk of dopamine depletion, don’t need as much variation in training, memory and recall not as good as other types.
Low glutamate – Very low level of empathy, don’t care about hurting people’s feelings, very tough against failure (if not affected, will just power through), doesn’t lose confidence easily.
Personality characteristics:
- Confident
- High self-esteem
- Always want to be the leader
- Take up a lot of space
- Talkative, loud
- Will do anything to win
- Very competitive
- Charismatic
- Risk takers
- Argumentative
- Need to be right
- Impulsive
- Don’t do well with authority
- Intense
- Burn the candle at both ends
- Grinders
- Impatient
- Break rules
- Perform well under pressure
- Resilient to stress
- Extroverted
- Novelty seekers
- Goal-driven
- Need to see results quickly
- Addictive personality
- Low empathy
- Doesn’t care what others think of him/her
Training specifics:
- Heavy lifting, neurological work, need the nervous system to be firing
- Doesn’t do well with mind-muscle connection or pump work
- Cannot tolerate a lot of volume or variety per session (low acetylcholine)
- Needs intensity
- Motivated by lifting heavier weight and “winning” the workout
- Build muscle by getting stronger
- Recovers well from heavy, neurological work as long as volume is managed (high GABA)
Sport preference:
- Powerlifting
- NFL linemen or linebackers
- Strongman
- Any position requiring brute force and strength