Tried Every Diet But Can’t Lose Weight?

Tried Every Diet But Can’t Lose Weight?

“I’ve tried every single diet and I can’t lose weight.” That was a comment I received this morning. And it’s definitely not the first time (and certainly won’t be the last). What if we rearrange that statement to something a little...
The Best Hack for Fat Loss

The Best Hack for Fat Loss

I’m going to teach you a hack for fat loss that will help you lose 20 lbs. without any form of dieting. It works every single time and has the lovely side effect of allowing you to maintain those results with ease. The catch? It’s counter to everything...
Two Truths & a Lie: What Are You Telling Yourself?

Two Truths & a Lie: What Are You Telling Yourself?

Why can’t I be like this in every area of my life? That was the question I posed to Mel on our walk yesterday. It was right before tennis and I said to her that I was excited for another opportunity to play and get better. That each time I play I find an area...
10 Mental Roadblocks That Keep You Stuck

10 Mental Roadblocks That Keep You Stuck

Mental roadblocks can keep you from achieving the results you want. Sometimes I just want to be able to drink without consequences, eat anything and everything I want, and still be super lean and shredded. I mean, c’mon, is that too much to ask?! There are...
How to Reach Your Body Composition Goals

How to Reach Your Body Composition Goals

I’m going to show you the fastest possible way to lose 30 lbs. and keep it off forever. It doesn’t have to be 30 lbs. It could be 50 or 100 or 5 or 10. Whatever your goal is, I’m sure you want it to happen quickly and efficiently. Most importantly,...