Can You Guess the Problem?

by | Jun 2, 2021

If you follow me long enough, you’ll start to notice many trends in what I talk about.

Maybe I wouldn’t have to repeat myself so much if you would just listen! 😉

One of those topics is back at the forefront today because of a couple conversations I had recently.

Can you guess the topic?

First, I had someone ask about why all of their activity may be prohibiting them from seeing body composition changes.

Keep in mind, this individual does a TON of activity but doesn’t think it’s very much.

She was confused as to why her body isn’t changing and why she can’t seem to control her binge episodes.

Second, I had someone ask why two separate macro coaching programs were ineffective over the span of years.

Especially when it should be simple math as to what creates results.

Calories in vs. calories out, right?

Just eat in a deficit and you’ll be home free.

Except that didn’t happen for her.

So, what’s going on?

Do you know the topic yet?

Let’s keep going …

Stress affects your metabolism

Do you know what your metabolism is meant to do?

It’s designed to read the internal and external environment and adapt accordingly in an effort to keep you alive.

So … what happens when you’re training like an animal, rarely taking rest days, and not eating enough to support that training?

The same thing that happens when you follow a macro coaching program that constantly tells you to eat less to lose weight.

Oh, I forgot to add …

There are more layers to this shit.

Maybe frustration at work.

Maybe a fight with your partner or spouse.

Maybe some negative self talk.

Maybe some kid drama.

Maybe some disrupted sleep.

We on the same page yet?

One last hint …

It rhymes with dress.

No, not breast. Get your head out of the gutter.


The reason why doing a fuck ton of activity can prevent you from making progress and can force you into binge mode

Is the same reason meticulously following a restrictive macro plan can make you feel like you’re trying hard AF with nothing to show for it.

The answer is STRESS.

Stress puts your body in preservation mode

Like I said, your metabolism is simply registering what’s going on internally and externally, and adapting accordingly.

So, when it senses an abundance of stress, it does everything it can to keep you alive.

Part of that process includes energy preservation.

Literally the opposite of your goals.

It holds onto body fat to prevent starvation.

Because the only chronic stressor that we evolved with was famine.

So, any chronic stress we deal with today is dealt with the same way.

Reducing your metabolic rate, suppressing your immune system, killing your sex drive, lowering thyroid function, increasing hunger and cravings.

This is where it really gets fun …

Even if you’re eating enough … the same metabolic adaptations occur during periods of ANY chronic stress.

Which is exactly why chronic dieters and couch potatoes often have the same symptoms.

If you want to hold on dearly to body fat, it’s a good idea to over stress yourself.

Do endless amounts of high intensity activity.

Eat really low calorie.

Don’t sleep.

Don’t recover.

You’ll preserve that body fat like a champ.

If you want that body fat to actually go away, then you better send a new signal to your metabolism.

Maybe the type of signal where your body doesn’t think it’s in a constant fight or flight mode.

Maybe even eat more and train less.

Shocking, I know.

Let’s go from stuck and frustrated to lean and liberated

This is exactly why we have had so much success with Metabolic Priming with our 1:1 clients.

Your metabolism needs to feel safe and that means reducing the stress on your system.

We do that through fueling adequately, better food choices, more recovery, lower intensity activity, hydrating, etc.

It won’t take long to feel the difference.

We also implement our Neurotyping principles because guess what happens when you eat in alignment with your personality type and brain chemistry?

That’s right … less stress on the system.

It’s almost like we thought this out really well. 😉

There are a ton of other benefits to Neurotyping, but this is specifically a stress conversation.

Lastly, we implement the plan around your lifestyle so you can still have fun in the process.

Most people believe that they have to avoid being social or count macros at restaurants or track every single drink of alcohol.

You know what those obsessive tendencies lead to?

Yup … more stress.

So, we build that into the process so our clients can just enjoy themselves stress-free and actually make more progress as a result.

It’s pretty damn effective, which is why we have the best testimonials around.

Anyway, that sums up our 6-month, 1:1 coaching program, which is designed to take you from stuck and frustrated to lean and liberated.

If you want to learn more and see if you’re a good fit for the program … simply shoot me a private message on FB. 

Interested in 1:1 Coaching?

And let me know that you’re interested in the 1:1 signature coaching program.

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