Why Eating Too Little is Making You Fat

Why Eating Too Little is Making You Fat

I want to explain why eating too little could be keeping you fat. I know, I’m coming in raw and unfiltered on this one. Anyway, sugarcoating it doesn’t help anyone so let’s get down to business. If a calorie deficit is needed for fat loss to occur...
Weekend Binges Aren’t the Problem (Here’s What Is)

Weekend Binges Aren’t the Problem (Here’s What Is)

I read something from a well-known coach that I found quite interesting. He said that his number 1 piece of advice, above all else, for making progress towards your fat loss goals is this … Make your weekends EXACTLY like your weekdays. While I understand his...
Pizza and Ice Cream to Lose Fat?

Pizza and Ice Cream to Lose Fat?

Pizza and ice cream may be the fat loss solution that you’ve been missing out on. How’s that for uplifting news on a Monday? Sound too good to be true? Then buckle up. Pizza and ice cream used to be off limits. Many years ago, I decided to do a New Year,...
The Real Cost of Fad Diets

The Real Cost of Fad Diets

Why will this time be any different? If there was one question I wish I would’ve asked myself 10 years ago … it would be that. With each failed dieting attempt. With every time I lost weight and gained it back … I wish I would’ve taken a moment...