The Downfall of Online Calorie Calculators

The Downfall of Online Calorie Calculators

This morning I woke up to a message on IG that said … “Hey Mike, I have a macros question for you. I put my info. into a free online calculator. It allows you to input a time goal for fat loss. I marked 6 months for a 30 lb. goal. It has me around 1600...
Intuitive Eating is Just ONE Tool in Your Toolbox

Intuitive Eating is Just ONE Tool in Your Toolbox

Yesterday, I posted on my personal FB profile a question about Intuitive Eating that sparked an interesting discussion. Many people chimed in with their opinions about what Intuitive Eating (IE) is, how to accomplish it, or how they aspire to get there one day. While...
Here’s Why Your Macro Plan Isn’t Working …

Here’s Why Your Macro Plan Isn’t Working …

When I first got into nutrition coaching, I thought it was a simple math game. Calories in vs. calories out, right? It made so much sense. I just needed to calculate maintenance calories and deliver a macro plan and the magic would happen. This actually worked for my...
Is Tracking Macros Necessary For Success?

Is Tracking Macros Necessary For Success?

Counting calories and/or tracking macros are quite popular in many nutrition programs out there. Counting calories is pretty self explanatory … you’re counting the number of calories you eat in a day. Tracking macros is when you break down where those...