Don’t Make This Costly Dieting Mistake

Don’t Make This Costly Dieting Mistake

The biggest dieting mistake that you’re probably making that is costing you the results you desire 99% of the time that I have a conversation with an individual who reaches out to me for help, they say that their goal is fat loss. Sometimes they attach a number...
I Call BS! Do YOU Have a Good BS Meter?

I Call BS! Do YOU Have a Good BS Meter?

Bullshit! You ever play that card game? It was a lot of fun. The goal is to get rid of all your cards. The deck is divided evenly amongst the players. You start with the lowest card and begin discarding face down in order. For example, player 1 might declare, “I...
5 Mistakes That Are Holding You Back

5 Mistakes That Are Holding You Back

I’m a slow learner. For some reason, I frequently make the same mistakes twice. Ok, that’s a lie. It’s often way more than twice. I think part of it is stubbornness. And part of it is a lack of awareness or avoidance of looking in the mirror and...
The Top 5 Most Common Dieting Mistakes

The Top 5 Most Common Dieting Mistakes

Sometimes the answer is so obvious that you don’t want to believe it. In my dieting experience, I’ve made just about every mistake in the book. I’ve put my body and mind through the wringer. So much so that I still deal with the collateral damage...