What to Do Now Instead of Pursuing Fat Loss

What to Do Now Instead of Pursuing Fat Loss

What to expect when you’re not expecting … To lose fat. News flash: Pursuing fat loss probably shouldn’t be done this time of year. And I hope right now you’re not expecting to lose fat. Not because it can’t be done this time of year...
How Much Cardio Do You Need For Fat Loss?

How Much Cardio Do You Need For Fat Loss?

The exact amount of hours of cardio you need to do each week for optimal body composition is … 0. In case you think that’s a typo … it’s not. That’s a big fat zero. For some, that’s a cause for celebration. For others, that’s...
Is It Possible to Be Social AND Get Fit?

Is It Possible to Be Social AND Get Fit?

Every fat loss journey begins at a fork in the road. Each path has a giant sign above it. The left side reads “go this way to lose fat.” The right side reads “go this way to continue living life.” When you want to get leaner, you typically turn...
Here’s Why You Need Metabolic Priming

Here’s Why You Need Metabolic Priming

The pendulum effect. I remember finishing up a 6 week challenge where I got down to 9% body fat. I couldn’t believe it. I stepped on that InBody scanner and saw a single digit number for the first time ever. I was elated. I remember going into the bathroom at...