3 Simple Ways to Make Fat Loss Easy

3 Simple Ways to Make Fat Loss Easy

Top 3 ways to make fat loss easy without focusing on fat loss … Serious question … How much of your life has been spent trying to lose fat? Take a minute and really consider the answer. Even if you can’t come up with an exact number of years …...
6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Lifting Heavy

6 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Lifting Heavy

Don’t lift heavy. It’s important that you understand the consequences of lifting heavy. And trust me there are A LOT of consequences. 1: When you lift heavy you get really strong. This can be problematic. Because then you’re capable of doing things...
What Does It Mean When the Diet Isn’t Working?

What Does It Mean When the Diet Isn’t Working?

What do you do when the diet isn’t working?? I mean, it hardly seems worth it. You slash calories, get a heavy dose of motivation, work out consistently and … Nothing. Nada. Zilch. The hunger gets annoying pretty quickly. The low energy kind of sucks. You...
Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Metabolism

Top 5 Ways to Improve Your Metabolism

Your metabolism is like your body’s thermostat. It reads the inputs and outputs from the internal and external environment and adjusts accordingly. When there’s an abundance of stress and a shortage of food … Your metabolism down regulates....
Are You Prone to Under Eating Just Like Me?

Are You Prone to Under Eating Just Like Me?

When left to my own devices … I will gravitate towards under eating. It’s true. Even to this day, the ghosts of diets past still haunt me. I was always under eating to try to reach my goals. I remember when I started my business almost 3 years ago and felt...