Two Truths & a Lie: What Are You Telling Yourself?

Two Truths & a Lie: What Are You Telling Yourself?

Why can’t I be like this in every area of my life? That was the question I posed to Mel on our walk yesterday. It was right before tennis and I said to her that I was excited for another opportunity to play and get better. That each time I play I find an area...
Do You Really Want to Be Shredded?

Do You Really Want to Be Shredded?

If you don’t have the body you desire right now … then clearly you don’t want it bad enough. Clearly you’re not dedicated or committed. I made the mistake of scrolling IG yesterday and came across 3 different posts that basically said the same...
What Does Your Best Day Ever Look Like?

What Does Your Best Day Ever Look Like?

That was the best ever. How many times have you experienced the best ever? The best meal ever. The best vacation ever. The best sex ever. Yesterday I was told many times that I had just released the best podcast ever. You can go listen to it for yourself and see if...
You Can Reach Your Goals With One Change

You Can Reach Your Goals With One Change

How do you want to get paid? I’m going to outline two options and you tell me which pay structure sounds more appealing. We’re going to start with a base pay of $5k per month. Not bad, right? That’s $60k/year. Next month, I’m going to kick that...