Are You Lying About Your Results?

Are You Lying About Your Results?

“If you’re eating 1200 calories or less and not losing weight … You’re lying.” That was the message in a Nutrition Coaching group that I’m a part of and the person that wrote it is someone who started and sold a multi-million dollar...
Can You Guess the Problem?

Can You Guess the Problem?

If you follow me long enough, you’ll start to notice many trends in what I talk about. Maybe I wouldn’t have to repeat myself so much if you would just listen! 😉 One of those topics is back at the forefront today because of a couple conversations I had...
Alcohol and Abs … Can You Have Both?

Alcohol and Abs … Can You Have Both?

I want you to ask yourself an honest question this morning … Imagine that you just got invited to a small gathering with some close friends. It’s tomorrow. You can’t back out and you know that there will be wine and delicious food. You also know that...