How Much Progress Can You Make In One Month?

How Much Progress Can You Make In One Month?

Can you eat more and get leaner in just one month? Yesterday, I told you how you can claim a month of 1:1 coaching at no cost (hint: go here and listen to the first 5-10 mins). Now, one month probably seems like nothing in the grand scheme of things. Especially if...
Let This Be Your Wake Up Call: It’s Time to Change!

Let This Be Your Wake Up Call: It’s Time to Change!

Think about the message you are sending to your body. Let me take it one step further … Think about the message you are sending to your kids. No, I’m not talking about the message you’re sending when you chronically under eat, restrict, and deprive...
Want to Stop Overindulging? Do This …

Want to Stop Overindulging? Do This …

The cookie is not the problem. It’s your thoughts about the cookie that’s the real problem. A quick search in MyFitnessPal and you’ll see that most cookies range from 200-300 calories each. Even a chocolate chunk cookie from Starbucks is only 370...
Will You Gain the Weight Back Again?

Will You Gain the Weight Back Again?

Let’s play a game. I’m going to tell you the 3 programs that the 3 individuals I had calls with yesterday told me about and you’re going to guess the problem and what the outcome was. Program #1 My trainer had me down to 1200 calories per day and...
Body Communication 101 – Are You Listening?

Body Communication 101 – Are You Listening?

There’s a two-way conversation happening … Between you and your body. And, it’s pretty damn important. I’m not talking about the actual words you use to describe your body (although that’s pretty damn important too). What I’m...