Here we go again … Mike woke up choosing violence.
Maybe I did … or maybe it’s just my default setting.
Either way, I’m always going to keep it real with you.
If that bothers you, you can always show yourself the exit.
So, what’s the biggest lie that you’re repeatedly telling yourself?
Like you’re Creed Bratton from The Office.
Or Don Draper from Mad Men.
It’s obvious what’s happening but for some reason you don’t see it.
You ready?
Let’s just rip the band aid off …
The single biggest lie that you tell yourself is …
That the money you don’t invest in yourself is money you save.
Because we both know … that money is going somewhere.
Which means you’re choosing to spend it on something other than your well-being.
When you break it down to it’s simplest form …
Every financial decision is an exchange of value.
Meaning … you are parting with dollars (or whatever currency) in exchange for something that you perceive has equal or greater value.
Dollars for a car = you value being able to transport yourself from point A to point B.
Dollars for a Netflix subscription = you value being able to stream movies and TV.
Dollars donated to charity = you value the cause you’re supporting and the feeling you get when you do something for others.
What happens when you choose NOT to invest in yourself?
Every single penny you spend is a simple exchange of value.
Which means the decision to “save” money by not investing yourself communicates two things …
1. You value dollars more than your health, confidence, relationship with food, and well-being.
2. You value other things more. What other things? Just look at your expenses over the past year or so and you’ll find the answer.
Consider this …
Yesterday, Coach Ashley and Coach Mel both posted client success stories.
Mel’s client Corrie outlined a number of major wins through the process but the one that stood out to me was that she had a physical and her results were the best they’ve been in 10+ years.
Not only that, she said that she was so happy after talking to her doctor that she cried and couldn’t remember the last time a health professional gave her good news.
Ashley’s client Justine came to us after eating 1200 calories per day and was hungry, crabby, and always beating herself up.
Now, she said she can eat food and not feel guilt. She feels confident going out to dinner with her family. And feels a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders.
The physical results each of them achieved were amazing too (you can read their full stories in the FB group.
What happens when you DO invest in yourself?
The point is this…
They valued their well-being, happiness, confidence, health, bodies, relationships with food, time, and energy more than they valued their dollars …
But really, they valued those things more than the other shit they were already spending their dollars on.
It’s easy to believe the false premise that if you don’t invest in yourself that you’re actually saving that money.
Saving it for what?
You’re either spending it on other things that you value more …
Or, you’re saving it for something in the future that is totally uncertain.
How important is your time?
Do you value time more than money?
Because every single day that you delay …
Every single day that you sit on the fence without making a decision …
Every single day that you choose inaction …
Is another day that you actively paid for nothing in return.
What if instead of paying in time you had to pay in money?
Let’s say that each day that you continue to sit on the fence and delay making tough decisions would cost you $1,000.
Would you still choose the same actions you’re currently choosing?
Instead of believing the biggest lie, be honest with yourself!
Be real with yourself.
It’s easy for you to pay that fee in time because it’s less tangible.
But, it’s also much more costly.
Imagine if our clients chose to keep doing things on their own and didn’t make the investment in themselves.
The cost = more time wasted, more frustration, more guilt, more pain, more struggle.
The money you don’t invest in yourself is not money saved.
It’s a cost.
A tremendous cost.
Now, this doesn’t mean you have to rush to invest in yourself.
The proper thing to do here is reflect and sit with this reality.
Be honest with yourself.
Ask yourself the difficult questions …
What am I costing myself by continuing down this same path?
What do I value more than my health and well-being?
How much more time am I willing to waste?
Some honest self-reflection can be really empowering.
But the lies have to stop.
Sitting on the fence is the worst thing you can do.
You either want to change or you don’t.
The in-between is toxic.
Take the weekend to really let this sink in and consider what you value.
Consider the costs of not investing and committing to yourself.
Consider the return on investment if you choose to move forward.
Leave the open loop for a couple of days.
Gain clarity from a place of honest self-awareness.
Not from a place of continuing to believe the biggest lie you’re telling yourself.
Do that … and the path will become quite clear.