How to Find the Best Approach for You to See Success

by | Sep 8, 2021

No Labor Day sale this week, but this may be the most valuable message you read today.

And besides, I already gave away our whole Neurotype Challenge for free … isn’t that enough? 😉

I thought it would be fun to break down exactly what you need in order to achieve your goals and maintain them for life.

Let’s give it a shot in the simplest way possible …

How do you find the best approach for you?

You need to understand that the best approach for you cannot be found.

The best approach for you can only be created.

Remember that the next time you want to try something because it worked for someone else.

You need to spend less time worrying about the small details that don’t matter like how many meals per day, what time you eat, when you train, etc.

You need to spend more time focusing on the foundational habits like moving your body, drinking water, eating quality foods, managing stress, sleeping, etc.

Remember that the next time you want to cut your sleep short for the sake of hitting an arbitrary number of training days per week.

You need to stop trying to be so damn perfect with hitting your macros.

You should spend more time focusing on how your current plan is making you feel.

Remember that the next time you beat yourself up for over indulging when your body was clearly hungry and tired.

You also need to stop ignoring how much you’re eating and what you’re eating.

You should have an awareness around your food quality and quantity.

Remember that the next time you feel like you’re “doing everything right” but not seeing progress.

You need to stop trying to live in a calorie deficit 24/7/365.

You should be living in homeostatic balance most of the time and keeping your fat loss cycles short and sweet.

Remember that the next time you’re eating 1200 calories and not losing weight.

You need to stop rushing the process and trying to achieve your goals as fast as humanly possible.

You should spend more time focusing on the process and delaying gratification.

Remember that the next time things appear stuck … progress is likely just on the other side of patience.

You need to stop focusing on all the things you can’t do.

You should spend more time focusing on what you can.

Remember that the next time you tell yourself a story about what’s not possible for you.

You need to stop being afraid of failure and beating yourself up for past failures.

You should learn from those past failures and use them as lessons to make better decisions and fail forward.

Remember that the next time you’re afraid to invest in yourself because of something that happened in the past.

You need to stop believing your own excuses.

You should challenge those thoughts when they come up because most thoughts are not fact.

Remember that the next time you tell yourself it’s not the right time.

You need to stop spending time as currency.

You should realize that time is the most valuable asset you have and once it’s gone, you can never get it back.

Remember that the next time you have an opportunity sitting right in front of you.

Like right now …

Your path to success is up to YOU.

If you want your own path to success totally mapped out and outlined for you …

Just shoot me a private message on FB.

Or, ignore everything I just said and keep doing your own thing.

Totally your call.

Interested in 1:1 Coaching?

And let me know that you’re interested in the 1:1 signature coaching program.

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