Say Goodbye to Self Sabotage and Get Results!

Say Goodbye to Self Sabotage and Get Results!

Imagine what you could accomplish if you stopped self sabotage. I’m sure you’ve had that exact thought before. How many times have you made progress … Been firing on all cylinders … And just when you felt like you were about to cross the finish...
5 Mistakes That Are Holding You Back

5 Mistakes That Are Holding You Back

I’m a slow learner. For some reason, I frequently make the same mistakes twice. Ok, that’s a lie. It’s often way more than twice. I think part of it is stubbornness. And part of it is a lack of awareness or avoidance of looking in the mirror and...
5 Ways to Stop the Binge Cycle

5 Ways to Stop the Binge Cycle

Which of these eating habits apply to you? 1. Stress eating 2. Emotional eating 3. Feeling out of control around certain foods 4. Binge episodes 5. Over indulgences on nights and weekends I’m guessing every single person is at least 1 for 5. Most common answer...
The Problem Is NOT What You Think It Is!

The Problem Is NOT What You Think It Is!

The problem is never “the thing.” The problem is the thing that happens after “the thing.” Confused yet? Let me explain. You might think the problem is the one decision you made. It could be late night snacking. Or a binge episode. Or a weekend...
Some of Your Greatest Teachers Are In Your Past

Some of Your Greatest Teachers Are In Your Past

Why aren’t you where you want to be right now? Serious question. Think about it for a minute … And no, I’m not talking about the surface level bullshit … Ohhh, I just need to be more consistent … More disciplined … Have more...