Inside the Journal of a Chronic Dieter

Inside the Journal of a Chronic Dieter

I’m going to give you a peek inside the mind of a chronic dieter. I kept a journal during one of the crazy diets I tried several years ago. The structure of the program was to drink 4 protein shakes per day and then eat one meal at dinner between 500-750...
Stop the Self Sabotage & Believe In Yourself!

Stop the Self Sabotage & Believe In Yourself!

This may be the most important post you read all year. First, I want to make sure you can relate … Have you ever been in pursuit of a goal and were making moves, feelin’ great… And then all of the sudden, as you continued to get closer and closer to...
How Many Levels of Belief Do YOU Have?

How Many Levels of Belief Do YOU Have?

My relationship with food has ruined relationships … If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know that I’m an open book. It doesn’t come naturally to me. I’m actually pretty quiet and shy. But, I know my story can help and even...
Battling the Storm … And Making It Through!

Battling the Storm … And Making It Through!

I’ve never shared this story before. In fact, the idea of writing this right now is making me feel vulnerable AF. But, it’s time I let this out … On the heels of one of the most impactful nights of my life (if you missed the webinar last night, you...