Is There Any Hope for the Diet Industry?

Is There Any Hope for the Diet Industry?

Warning … things are about to get heated. I gave myself time to cool down and I’m still not cool. Before I rant, I figured I should start with some good news. Something quick that’ll lift your spirits. My good friends over at Cured Nutrition are...
Why Diets Fail and How You Can Do Better

Why Diets Fail and How You Can Do Better

Did you know that diets were actually built to fail? Like intentionally. It all started with the objective of weight loss and there were many different theories out there. There’s even evidence of low carb diets from hundreds of years ago. But then something...
Is Your Diet Program Based on Failure?

Is Your Diet Program Based on Failure?

Did you know that diets were actually built to fail? Like intentionally. It all started with the objective of weight loss and there were many different theories out there. There’s even evidence of low carb diets from hundreds of years ago. But then, something...
Are You Trapped by the White Knuckle Diet?

Are You Trapped by the White Knuckle Diet?

Want to know the diet that I have tried more than any other diet out there? In fact, it was my go-to diet when I was feeling thick and lacking confidence. It was my old reliable, waiting for me to come running back with open arms. The name of that diet … The...
I Felt Like an Outcast – Do You Feel the Same Way?

I Felt Like an Outcast – Do You Feel the Same Way?

I always felt like an outcast. Which, for someone who wants to fit in and get along with everybody, was a tough pill to swallow. Let’s just say I didn’t take that medicine very well. Here’s a little of my story … That feeling began when I found...