Are You Living Up to Your Genetic Potential?

Are You Living Up to Your Genetic Potential?

This fact might sting a little … But … not everyone will succeed. It sucks to think about that but it’s true. It’s especially true when it comes to body composition goals but it’s also true in every area of life. I remember when I was...
Why Are You So Resistant to Change?

Why Are You So Resistant to Change?

“I know what I need to do … I’m just not doing it.” Ahh yes, the most common phrase uttered by many of us who find the distinct contrast between our thoughts (what we think we should be doing) and our actions (what we actually do). Why does...
What Trees Have to Do With Your Health Goals

What Trees Have to Do With Your Health Goals

There were these two neighbors who both loved trees. Jim and Dave. Each morning, they’d wake up, walk out to their respective yards, greet each other, and then get to work. Jim was obsessed with having a 15 foot tree one day. It was his ultimate life goal. Dave...
Pursuing Body Composition Goals Should Be FUN!

Pursuing Body Composition Goals Should Be FUN!

Did you forget?? You must have. It’s so easy to lose sight of … especially when you get caught up in the daily grind of life. The work piles up, you need stuff for the house, your partner isn’t helping, and the kids are being a pain. And, on top of...