Here’s the Dark Side of Fitness You Never Knew

Here’s the Dark Side of Fitness You Never Knew

When I tell my story, I often share the insecurities I was riddled with at 250 lbs. The lost identity. The lack of confidence. Not wanting to be seen by anyone for fear of what comments they would make. As I was looking back at old photos … I found a bunch of...
Just eat a tablespoon of peanut butter in the morning.

Just eat a tablespoon of peanut butter in the morning.

Huh? That was the answer I received. At this point, I was following a nutrition plan that called for 16 hours of fasting and approximately 1600 calories per day. I was told to take my body temperature for 3 days in a row. When my average came back very low (I believe...
The Right Nutrition Coach Gets Results

The Right Nutrition Coach Gets Results

“My name is Laura and I have been fighting my weight ever since I was a little girl. I think my first diet was when I was eight. I dieted off and on through my teens and into adulthood. Nothing ever worked to help keep me happy with myself. When I was around 25...
A Story About Self-Awareness

A Story About Self-Awareness

A story about self-awareness… I was having dinner with a friend on Saturday night and he was telling me about a couple of guys in his office. He said that every single morning they take the elevator up one floor instead of taking the stairs. Every day at lunch,...