Keep the Process Simple and Results Will Follow

Keep the Process Simple and Results Will Follow

Avril Lavigne said it best … “Why’d you have to go and make things so complicated?” Yes, I just hit you with an Avril Lavigne line to start my blog … talk about losing readers before we even get to the good stuff 🤣 But honestly,...
Is Macro Purgatory Holding You Back?

Is Macro Purgatory Holding You Back?

Stop placing yourself in purgatory! Macro purgatory, that is. If purgatory is the place that sinners go to cleanse their souls before climbing to heaven … then macro purgatory is the place to cleanse your nutritional mindset before climbing to dietary freedom....
Perfection vs. Consistency – Which is Better?

Perfection vs. Consistency – Which is Better?

Trying to be perfect may be killing your results. Where are my fellow perfectionists at?! ‍♂️ You don’t half ass anything. When you do something, there’s this internal pressure to do it EXACTLY right. There is no gray area. I know because that’s me...
Success – It’s More Than Just Weight Loss

Success – It’s More Than Just Weight Loss

I have struggled with my weight and body image for my entire life. I was a heavier kid, and I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) when I was 5. The doctors wanted me to lose weight, so that was a focus from my entire family. I was supposed to move...