How Do You Fix the Person in the Mirror?

How Do You Fix the Person in the Mirror?

The person in the mirror is brutal. Calls out your deepest insecurities. Brings attention to your problem areas. My person in the mirror points directly at my love handles and lower back fat. Where does your person in the mirror point? The person in the mirror makes...
Let This Be Your Wake Up Call: It’s Time to Change!

Let This Be Your Wake Up Call: It’s Time to Change!

Think about the message you are sending to your body. Let me take it one step further … Think about the message you are sending to your kids. No, I’m not talking about the message you’re sending when you chronically under eat, restrict, and deprive...
Is It Motivation You Need … Or Something Else?

Is It Motivation You Need … Or Something Else?

You know you want to make better food choices and you know you feel better when you do … You know you want to exercise consistently and you know you feel better when you do … BUT … you’re just not motivated. One of the most common questions I...
Peace of Mind is What You REALLY Want!

Peace of Mind is What You REALLY Want!

What you want is PEACE OF MIND. “Nah, uh, Mike, you don’t know what you’re talking about … I want to lose weight and fit into my jeans.” That may be true (the part about me not knowing what I’m talking about), but let me explain. If...