Why Losing Fat Got Harder & What To Do About It

Why Losing Fat Got Harder & What To Do About It

My weight just won’t budge! So I went back to what worked in the past and … now it doesn’t work anymore. Has this happened to you? There was a time when you jumped into a fat loss protocol and things were firing on all cylinders. You lost a bunch of...
The Fitness Myth That Won’t Go Away

The Fitness Myth That Won’t Go Away

Ever wonder how certain myths get started? Like, I literally just found out a few days ago that the whole “humans swallow 8 spiders per year in their sleep” myth is total BS. How the hell did that even get started in the first place?! The fitness industry...
Your Flaws are Actually Your Strength

Your Flaws are Actually Your Strength

Have you ever felt like something was fundamentally wrong with you? Like the combination of attributes that you have is just a complete clusterfuck that prevents you from being successful? Maybe I’m alone on this one but I used to feel that way all the time. I...
Why We Emotionally Eat and How to Stop It

Why We Emotionally Eat and How to Stop It

Why do we emotionally eat? Like, what’s happening in our bodies and brains that make us do it when we know we shouldn’t?? This was a question I got on a consultation call, and it’s a fantastic question. WHY we emotionally eat Let’s address WHY...