Don’t Make This Costly Dieting Mistake

Don’t Make This Costly Dieting Mistake

The biggest dieting mistake that you’re probably making that is costing you the results you desire 99% of the time that I have a conversation with an individual who reaches out to me for help, they say that their goal is fat loss. Sometimes they attach a number...
A Perspective Shift Can Lead to Better Results

A Perspective Shift Can Lead to Better Results

What can my toilet teach you about fat loss? Well, the first thing you would learn from my toilet today is that I definitely didn’t eat well over the weekend. Poop jokes aside, there’s actually a valuable lesson to be learned from my toilet and the battle...
The Real Key to Looking Better Naked

The Real Key to Looking Better Naked

Sometimes it’s truly about looking better naked. And that’s ok. Aesthetic goals or vanity goals are perfectly fine and valid. Don’t let anyone make you feel like achieving the physical appearance that you desire for your body is wrong. The problem is...
Your Foundation Makes or Breaks Your Progress

Your Foundation Makes or Breaks Your Progress

One meal can actually make or break your progress. That may seem counter to what you’ve heard before. Even from me. So let me explain. I’m on a mini vacation right now in Miami and the weekend was spent celebrating my friend’s 40th birthday. The...
Prioritizing Yourself Leads to BIG Benefits!

Prioritizing Yourself Leads to BIG Benefits!

Have you ever taken a minute to think about all of the various benefits of prioritizing yourself, your health and your fitness? Like, aside from the obvious change in your body composition, what else will you achieve? Seriously, start rattling off all the benefits in...