Puppies & Fitness, Cortisol, Stress & Adrenaline

Puppies & Fitness, Cortisol, Stress & Adrenaline

Imagine having the bottoms of your feet completely torn apart and still being able to run miles upon miles without stopping. It’s not difficult. You just need a massive amount of adrenaline. Just ask Preston. Preston is our 4 year old Feist mix and he’s...
Is Going to the Gym Adding to Your Stress?

Is Going to the Gym Adding to Your Stress?

I skipped the gym this morning. My alarm went off and there was no way I was getting up. I barely slept last night. It could have had something to do with the Sixers game being on too late and then my adrenaline pumping through the roof after Embiid hit a game winning...
What is the Number One Progress Killer?

What is the Number One Progress Killer?

There is 1 single thing that wrecks progress more than anything else. No, it’s not alcohol. I have a drink or two (or three or four) on most weekends and stay pretty lean. No, it’s not cookies. Also a regular part of my routine to indulge on some delicious...
Feeling Like Garbage Is NOT Normal!

Feeling Like Garbage Is NOT Normal!

Feeling like shit is not normal. “But Mike, I work full time, have 17 kids, and 37 dogs … of course I feel like shit.” Still … not normal. I spoke with a woman yesterday who mentioned that she has gone the better part of her 30’s feeling...
Eat More to Get Leaner … Too Good to be True?

Eat More to Get Leaner … Too Good to be True?

You already missed the best opportunity you’ll ever get to lose weight quickly … And that’s actually a good thing. Let me explain. Trying to get leaner? If you’re trying to get leaner, more fit, toned, or pretty much want any body composition...