Stop Doing THIS and You’ll Stop Failing

Stop Doing THIS and You’ll Stop Failing

You are setting yourself up for failing without even knowing it. Humans are fascinating. We are messy, imperfect, irrational, biased, creative, imaginative, emotional, and everything in between. We are expected to thrive with an operating system that was built for...
Could Success Actually Be Hurting You?

Could Success Actually Be Hurting You?

Success is getting in the way of your … success. Let me explain. When I first started POP, I was in a precarious situation. Recently separated and going through a divorce. I moved from outside of Philadelphia to Newport Beach, CA and back to outside of...
Stop Wasting Time and Start Seeing Success!

Stop Wasting Time and Start Seeing Success!

“What looks like success is often just patience.” I read that quote yesterday and it hit me at just the right time. The single greatest indicator for success is the ability to delay gratification. And yet, I’m the most impatient person in the world...
Will You Allow Yourself to Be Successful?

Will You Allow Yourself to Be Successful?

That’s a serious question. It’s easy to think about how amazing life will be when you reach your goals. It feels great in your mind. You can see it. Feel it. Taste it. The idealized version of you is a beautiful thing. But, will you allow yourself to be...
Personal Growth and Success Require Commitment

Personal Growth and Success Require Commitment

Commitment is doing what you said you were going to do … Long after the mood you said you were going to do it in has left you. This is one of my favorite quotes that applies so much to fitness and nutrition but also to what’s going on all around us....